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男女同校的现象在北美非常普遍。Coeducation is very common in North America.

总而言之,男女合班利多于弊。To sum up, coeducation does more good than harm.

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关于男女合校一直都有许多讨论。There has been lots of discussion about coeducation.

这就是为什么我不赞成男女共校的原因。That is the reason why _i disagree to____ coeducation.

这就是为什么我不赞成男女共校的原因。That is the reason why I am strongly against coeducation.

但是无人可否认男女合校在近年来已成为一种趋势。But no one can deny that coeducation has become a trend during these years.

当男女同校时,男孩或女孩可能会为一些青春问题而感到尴尬。Boys or girls may be embarrassed by adolescent problems in coeducation schools.

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男女同校为孩子提供了一种丰富多彩的成长环境。Coeducation gives kids the opportunity of growing in an atmosphere of diversity.

也许男女同校教育的最大贡献在于其提倡健康的人生观。Perhaps the greatest contribution of coeducation is the healthy attitude to life it encourages.

总之,我赞成男女合校。我深信大多数的中学生也喜欢就读于男女合校的学校。To sum up, I approve of coeducation and I am convinced that most high school students like to study in a coed school.

由于男女共校的教育体制,异性同学间的良性竞争和友好合作精神得到了发扬。Thanks to coeducation system, benign competition and cooperation between male and female students are rightly encouraged.

中学男女同学的实现,是“五四”时期教育史上的一项重要成就。The implementation of coeducation in secondary schools is a great achievement in educational history during May Fourth period.

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女权主义者在美国内战时代大力推动男女同校,到1872年共有97所美国大学招收女生。The agitation for coeducation by feminists grew through the American Civil War era, and by 1872 there were 97 American universities admitting women.

既然实行男女合校有许多的好处,我建议有关当局应该采取一些行动来鼓励男女合校。Now that there are a lot of advantages in practicing coeducation , I suggest that the authorities concerned should take some action to encourage coeducation.

Kemeny任何时候都是改革者,他于1970-81年担任达特茅斯的校长,在两个多世纪都是男性注册入学之后,1972年在这间学校推行男女同校。Ever the innovator, Kemeny served as president of Dartmouth, 1970-81, introducing coeducation to the school in 1972 after more than two centuries of all-male enrollment.

他制定了法律来区分私生子,女性堕胎的权利被剥夺了,离婚像以前一样变得困难,男女也不能同校。Laws were enacted to distinguish illegitimate children, the right for a woman to have an abortion was abolished, divorce became as difficult as ever, and coeducation was no longer offered.

最近,有关单性别学校这种教育方式是否有益再一次成为公众关注的焦点,有人对于男女同校的价值提出了严重质疑。Recently, the debate of whether single-gender school is a positive educational existence has been once again put into the public focus. This has raised serious doubts about the value of coeducation.