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嚼口香糖。Chewing gum.

我的齿龈很痛。My gum is very sore.

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你喜欢泡泡糖么?Do you like bubble gum?

材用树种的一个属。The wood of a gum tree.

是的,我喜欢泡泡糖。Yes, I like bubble gum.

买一大堆口香糖或棒棒糖。Buy lots of gum or lollipops.

买泡泡糖还是一块巧克力派?Bubble gum or a chocolate pie?

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我带来了很多很多的糖糖。I did. i've lots lots gum gum.

她甘高层次都唔得!She gum high level duo ng dak.

我爱你甚至超过爱泡泡糖。I love you more than bubble gum.

双重的泡泡糖能吹双重的泡泡。Double bubble gum bubbles double.

产树胶的树生长在热带地区。Gum trees grow in tropical areas.

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你的牙龈发炎了。疼吗?You gum is inflamed. Does it hurt?

现在恐怕不行,四周的牙龈还肿着。I'm afraid not. The gum is swollen.

翠鸟栖息在一棵老桉树上。Kookaburra sits on an lod gum tree.

翠鸟坐在一棵老桉树上。Kookaburra sits on an old gum tree.

由胶水协调的不透光水彩。An opaque watercolor bound with gum.

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慢慢咀嚼尼古丁含片,直到感觉发麻。Chew the gum slowly until it tingles.

阿拉伯树胶是纯天然的水合胶体。Gum Arabic is a natural hydrocolloid.

制作玫瑰糖贴胶错误。Make a rose bug with sugar gum paste.