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他们在火箭方面的研究开辟了太空旅行的道路。Their research in rocketry blazed the way for space travel.

完全的将火箭事业的成功与某一个人完全联系起来是愚蠢的。It would be foolish to assign rocketry success to one person totally.

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他回到带领中国火箭计划,并成为被称为“对中国火箭之父”。He returned to lead the Chinese rocket program, and became known as the Father of Chinese Rocketry.

无论出于什么原因,火箭技术也对其他的硅谷技术型创业者具有强大的吸引力。For whatever reason, rocketry maintains a strong allure for other Silicon Valley technologist-types as well.

这是中国航天的惨淡时光。但在之后的17年里,中国已熟练掌握了火箭技术。Those were dark days for the Chinese space program. But in the 17 years since, China has mastered its rocketry technology.

本课程包括实验、作业、项目设计和关于航天器和火箭设计概念的相关资料。This course contains labs, assignments, projects, and related resources dealing with aircraft and rocketry design concepts.

就这一点来说,KEI本质上已经变成了一个火箭技术试验,而且除了给诺斯罗普格鲁曼公司工作以外很少取得什么成果。To this point, the KEI has been essentially an experiment in rocketry , and has done little except make work for Northrop Grumman.

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他活着的时候没能得到多少肯定,但是最终得到了“现代火箭之父”的称号。He received little recognition during his own lifetime, but would eventually come to be called the "father of modern rocketry " for his life's work.

在二战后火箭技术的发展下,它们成了人们感兴趣的一大主题——也是数不清的电影和书籍背后的灵感来源。They became a major subject of interest–and the inspiration behind numerous films and books–following the development of rocketry after World War II.

物理学家罗伯特·戈达德是火箭先驱。1930年代,在新墨西哥罗斯威尔他的车间前,他站在他的实验性A系列一个火箭旁。Physicist Robert Goddard, rocketry pioneer, stands next to one of his experimental A-series rockets in front of his workshop in Roswell, New Mexico, in the 1930s.

去你的当地图书馆查一查火箭书籍或者百科全书,了解下是谁在13世纪左右首先发明了推进火箭的火药。Chris, go to your local library and check out a rocketry book or an encyclopedia to learn who first invented gun power to propelled rockets around the 13th century.

但是,在莫斯科航空学院学习火箭技术的中国留学生已经收集了R-12导弹的基本资料,尽管他们也没有能够真正见过这种导弹。However, Chinese students majoring in rocketry at the Moscow Aviation Institute had gained a rudimentary knowledge of the R-12 even though they had not actually seen it.

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“中国航天之父”、“火箭之王”——中国航天技术的奠基人钱学森,于上周六凌晨在京因病去世,享年98岁。China`s keystone space scientist Qian Xuesen, widely acclaimed as the country`s "father of space technology" and "king of rocketry", died of illness in Beijing Saturday morning at the age of 98.