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为此,德默特琉王也委任他为大司祭。And king Demetrius confirmed him in the high priesthood.

德默特琉遂登上王位,时在一百六十七年。And Demetrius reigned in the hundred and sixty-seventh year.

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德米特里厄斯·奥尔伯纳斯是美国最杰出的癌症专家之一。Demetrius Albanes is one of the leading cancer experts in America.

在德米特里厄斯号上的兵变中,塞缪尔·安德斯导致谁受伤致残?。Who does Samuel Anders cripple during the mutiny on the Demetrius?

德默特琉一听说了这事,便忧闷地说。And Demetrius heard these words, and was exceeding sorry, and said.

来自希腊的季米特里奥斯当选为国际奥林匹克委员会的第一任主席。Demetrius Vikelas from Greece became the first president of the IOC.

站开些,他们的声音将要惊醒睡着的人。OBERON Stand aside. The noise they make Will cause Demetrius to awake.

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现在来给我讲亚历山大、菲力浦和菲勒内姆的迪米特里厄斯。Come now and tell me of Alexander and Philip and Demetrius of Phalerum.

那时,亚历山大王集合大军,出发攻打德默特琉。And king Alexander gathered together a great army, and moved his camp near to Demetrius.

监核会核查小组组长迪密·佩里库斯“我们完成了我们计划做的所有工作。Demetrius Perricos, the UNMOVIC team leader We managed to do all the thing that we planned to do.

这些事情似乎微细而无从捉摸,好像化为云雾的远山一样。DEMETRIUS These things seem small and undistinguishable, Like far-off mountains turned into clouds.

德默特琉王听说这事,就集合大军,去与他交战。And king Demetrius heard of it, and gathered together an exceeding great army, and went forth against him to fight.

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一百六十五年,德默特琉儿子德默特琉,由克里特回到祖国。In the year one hundred and sixty-five Demetrius the son of Demetrius came from Crete into the land of his fathers.

德默特琉的将领,带著比以前更多的军队回来,要与他作战。Now Jonathan heard that the generals of Demetrius were come again with a greater army than before to fight against him.

德米特里一世和安条克七世即使想力挽狂澜也无法阻止王朝终结的命运,西元前64年毁在罗马的庞培手中。The efforts of Demetrius I and Antiochus VII could not forestall the dynasty's inevitable end at the hands of the Roman Pompey the Great in 64 BC.

越来越多的联盟军攻向安提柯一世毫无掩护的右翼军,而狄米提留斯又无法脱离身前敌军的大象与骑兵。More missile troops moved to the unprotected Antigonid right flank, as Demetrius was unable to disengage from the elephants and enemy horse to his front.

德默特琉王的儿子安提约古,从海岛上致书给犹太人的首领息孟大司祭和一切犹太人民。And king Antiochus the son of Demetrius sent letters from the isles of the sea to Simon the priest, and prince of the nation of the Jews, and to all the people.

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一百五十一年,色娄苛的的儿子德默特琉,逃离罗马,带著少数几个人,在沿海的一座城登陆,在那里称王。In the hundred and fifty-first year Demetrius the son of Seleucus departed from the city of Rome, and came up with a few men into a city of the sea coast, and reigned there.

斯捷潘博日卡的来自克罗地亚的反应失去了世界锦标赛在打击德米特里Sartisona拳击类中从德国基尔,2009年11月21日决斗。The reaction of Stepan Bozika from Croatia to lose in a duel of World Championship boxing in the middle category against Demetrius Sartisona from Germany in Kiel, 21 November 2009.