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卡什米里被谴责策划了巴基斯坦,印度和阿富汗的一系列恐怖袭击。Kashmiri was blamed for a string of attacks in Pakistan, India and Afghanistan.

游客还可以品尝到日式寿司和克什米尔咖喱鸡。Visitors will also be able to dig into Japanese sushi and Kashmiri chicken curry.

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一位克什米尔渔民撑船驶入秋天的斯里那加戴尔湖。Kashmiri fisherman rows his boat through autumn leaves in Kashmir's Dal Lake in Srinagar.

2011年2月14号在克什米尔,一名男子在大雪中走过斯利那加的一架人行天桥上。Kashmiri men walk on a foot bridge during heavy snowfall in Srinagar on February 14, 2011.

斯里纳加的喀什米尔人在平民满祖尔˙阿玛德的棺材旁祷告。Kashmiri people pray next to the coffin of civilian Manzoor Ahmad in Srinagar June 27, 2006.

斯利那加,寒冷的夜晚,一名克什米尔路边摊小贩,在集市上准备着自己的风味小吃。摄于1月10日。Kashmiri roadside vendor prepares snacks at a market during a cold evening in Srinagar on Jan. 10.

法伊和另一名被起诉的男子和喀什米尔美国理事会有关连。Fai, along with a second man who has also been charged, has connections to the Kashmiri American Council.

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在斯里纳加一个寒冷的早晨,喀什米尔船夫集结在浮舟菜市场。Kashmiri boatmen assemble at floating vegetable market, on a cold morning, in Srinagar December 21, 2005.

阿克什米尔销售佳肴之前宰牲节在斯利那加,印度,星期四,2009年11月26日节。A Kashmiri sells delicacies ahead of the Eid al-Adha festival, in Srinagar, India, Thursday, Nov. 26, 2009.

最开始,所有感染该病毒的蜂巢也染有第二种病毒——克什米尔蜜蜂病毒。For a start, all the hives infected with it were also infested with a second nasty, the Kashmiri bee virus.

Meeraj-un-Nabi的庆祝活动中,克什米尔的穆斯林妇女们在斯利那家哈兹拉特伯神庙祈福。Kashmiri Muslim women pray during Meeraj-un-Nabi celebrations at the Hazratbal shrine in Srinagar, Kashmir.

在斯利那加一场示威期间克什米尔穆斯林示威者向印度准军事部队士兵扔石头,印度。Kashmiri Muslim protesters throw stones at Indian paramilitary soldiers during a protest in Srinagar, India.

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2009年10月,赫德利在芝加哥O’Hare机场准备飞往巴基斯坦与克什米尔再度会面时被捕。Headley was arrested at Chicago’s O’Hare airport in October 2009 heading to Pakistan to meet with Kashmiri again.

反对印度占领的情绪一直在克什米尔慢烧,直到1989年的全面叛乱或克什米尔的穆斯林起义爆发。Anti-Indian sentiment in Kashmir simmered until 1989 when full-scale rebellion or intifada by Kashmiri Muslims erupted.

最近的抗议的政治影响就是令克什米尔的分离派活动重新活络起来。The political impact of the latest demonstrations has been to restore the relevance of the Kashmiri separatist movement.

斯利那加一场示威活动上,一名克什米尔穆斯林示威者向警察和准军事部队扔石头。Kashmiri Muslim protester throws stones and bricks at Indian police and paramilitary soldiers during a protest in Srinagar.

同时还有对克什米尔武装分裂组织Laskhar-e-Toiba的担心,该武装组织曾计划炸毁泰姬陵。There were also fears that a militant Kashmiri separatist group, Laskhar-e-Toiba, was planning to try and blow up the shrine.

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克什米尔穆斯林在斯利那加,查谟和克什米尔,印度街头祈祷提供管理的星期一,Aug.24,2009克什米尔。Kashmiri Muslim offer prayer on a street in Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir, Indian-administered Kashmir on Monday, Aug. 24, 2009.

位于印控克什米尔地区首府斯利那加的达尔湖上,一名克什米尔工人小心地清理着覆盖河面的杂草。Kashmiri worker painstakingly cleans Dal Lake in Srinagar, in Indian-administered Kashmir, of the weeds that clog its surface.

一位喀什米尔非政府组织的志工在达尔湖上清理塑胶瓶。Kashmiri volunteer of a non-governmental organisation collects plastic bottles during a drive to clean Dal Lake in Srinagar June 24, 2007.