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塔纳湖上,青尼罗河的入口。The estuary of blue Nile on lake Tana.

看看谢丽尔·科尔和塔纳·拉姆齐吧。Just look at Cheryl Cole and Tana Ramsay.

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塔纳碰到帕莱,追问她为什么要嫁给西瓦。Tana met, ask her why she want to marry western watts.

当医生发现Tana长了睾丸时,她还只是只小狗。Tana was just a puppy when doctors noticed she had testicles.

塔纳要闯进去带走帕莱,西瓦母亲不允,赶走了他。Going into the tana away, west mother forbade it, get rid of him.

塔纳指责西瓦的父亲是偷窃别人的不义之财的人。Tana accused the west of the father is the man stealing other peoples wealth.

米娜内疚一直没告诉塔纳帕莱的下落,就请他们去餐厅吃饭。Mina guilt has been didnt tell the whereabouts of the tana warned, they go to a restaurant.

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塔纳不明白为什么帕莱要自己去冒险,就像今天去见萨拉克这样。Tana dont understand why act of parliament want oneself to take risks, like to see Sarah g today.

肯尼亚区域发展部辖下的塔纳河发展机构和该国最大的糖厂Mumias是这个项目的合作伙伴。The Tana River Development Authority, under the Ministry for Regional Development, and Kenya's biggest

为了防止Tana患上并发症,医生决定切除她的生殖器,给她做绝育手术。To prevent Tana from suffering any medical complications, the doctors decided to surgically sterilize Tana, removing her genitals.

跨越塔那那河上方的油管以两支桥墩撑起来,远望它有如旧金山金门大桥的气势。Tana River across the top of the pipeline up to two piers, the Yuanwang It is like the momentum of the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco.

当前,Tana主要投资于快速消费品和农业,还有一些建材、健康和教育方面的投资。At the moment, Tana is focused on fast-moving consumer goods and agriculture, and to a lesser extent on building materials, health and education.

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希瓦来到塔纳家要接帕莱回去,塔纳想要阻止,差一点又动起手来,最终帕莱还是和希瓦回去了。Shiva came to tana house by act of parliament to go back, the tana wanted to stop, almost and hands on, the final act of parliament or shiva returned.

肯尼亚区域发展部辖下的塔纳河发展机构和该国最大的糖厂Mumias是这个项目的合作伙伴。The Tana River Development Authority, under the Ministry for Regional Development, and Kenya's biggest sugar miller, Mumias, are partners in the project.

威客劝说帕莱去见塔纳一面,帕莱却坚持不肯见塔纳,因为她感觉那样会更加伤害到塔纳。Job persuading act of parliament to meet tana, act of parliament insists that is not willing to see the tana, because she feels it will be more hurt tana.

希瓦听尼查达说出是帕莱的丈夫,听到塔纳的姓氏和死去的那个爸爸的竞选对手是同姓,希瓦马上联想到塔纳就是帕莱要调查的人的儿子。Shiva to chadha, whats new husband, hear the tana surname and deads rival the fathers surname, shiva immediately associate tana is the act of parliament to investigate the son of man.

帕莱把文件拿给自己的朋友塔纳律师,塔纳告诉帕莱这些文件都是具有法律效力的转让合同,确实是她的父母签字的转让了公司的合同。Act of parliament gave files to your friends as a lawyer, tana told warned the transfer of these documents are legally binding contracts, transfer is, indeed, her parents to sign the contract.