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超人也挽救不了他的生命。Superman can't save him.

他们认为他是个超人。They classed him as a superman.

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戴了假面的超人才算是假面超人。A masked superman is a true Kabuto.

你不可能再40岁的时候还扮演超人。You can't play Superman into your 40s.

我就像超人一样无往不利!I'm superman with the wind at his back.

不用把自己当成超人或神力女超人。Don’t try to be Superman or WonderWoman.

超人是漫画中众所周知的英雄。Superman is a well-known comic-strip hero.

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普通人和超人的区别是什么?What is the difference between man and Superman?

超人的速度太快了,快得火车都跑不赢他。The superman runs fast enough to outrun the rain.

我坐在上面感觉像个超人,一直冲向蓝天。I like a superman on it shoot right up into the sky.

他看上去像个超人,一付不可战胜的架势。He looked like Superman and seemed just as invincible.

超人对决蝙蝠侠。赢家的奖品是神奇女侠。Superman vs. Batman. The winning prize is Wonder Woman.

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好多人总是说我长得有多像超人,enough people kept saying how much I look like superman

如果事实证明你就是这个星球的超人,那我就没胡说。Not if it turns out that you are this planet’s Superman.

电影新“超人”尚未确定片名及上映日期。The new Superman movie has no title or release date yet.

但是如果你能飞得低一点,那就太好了,超人。But I would really appreciate it if you flew lower, Superman.

那样的话,你就成为了这些孩子一直在等待的“超人”。In which case, you're the Superman these kids are waiting for.

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超人将放弃其在新闻业大有前途的事业。Superman is giving up his once-promising career in journalism.

爸爸曾在此剪了一个伟大的工作。超人创可贴,工程。Dad did a great job on this cut. Superman Band-Aids, the works.

你决定做超人有什么特别的理由吗?Is there any particular reason that you decided to be a superman?