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但这里也存在着明确的政治意味。But there is a definite political undertone.

是一款清新、花果味香水。I love this scent. It has a powdery undertone.

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他温和的话中蕴涵着警告之意。His soft words contained an undertone of warning.

她心烦意乱,他听得出她声线里粗嘎的低音。He could hear the rasping wild undertone in her voice.

蓝色底色的口红会让你的嘴唇看起来凸出来。Lipsticks with a blue undertone make your lips pop out.

在第一个例句中,我会带点挖苦的意思。In my first example, I will use the sarcastic undertone.

他只是呆呆地望著大海,轻声地骂几句。He simply looked at the sea dully and swore in an undertone.

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是我多心了,还是你也听出了帕蒂言下对自己婚姻的不满意?Was it just me, or did you hear an undertone of marital discontent?

不要使用霜状眼影,以及避免使用蓝色底色的化妆品。Do not wear frosty eye shadow, and avoid anything with a blue undertone.

僵尸形象中并没有隐含深层次的弗洛伊德理论,与男孩们相似,他们毫无精细可言,没有性暗示,也一点都不性感。There are no levels of Freudian undertone to zombies. Like boys, they're not subtle.

因为话中是否有挖苦的意思,还得看这句型是如何使用的。because that sarcastic undertone may or may not be present depending on how it's used.

他接过我的马时,别别扭扭地不高兴地低声自言自语着。He soliloquized in an undertone of peevish displeasure, while relieving me of my horse.

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在我们交谈的时候,有时我们会无意间用一些有消极意味的话语。When we speak we sometimes unintentionally choose words that have a negative undertone.

据称这是反资本主义,潜含有反美的意味。It's said to be anti-capitalist, with the undertone that carries of being anti-American.

噪音对信号的掩蔽作用显著,其中低音最易被掩蔽。The noise occultation was significant, and the undertone was the easiest one to be occulted.

茶只是为了不让饮品变得过苦或过甜而稍稍添加了一些味道。The tea adds a subtle undertone of flavor without becoming bitter or overwhelming the drink.

Mammon在英语里有着“财富”或者“财产”的意思,不过却带有贬义。Mammon in English holds a meaning of “wealth” or “possessions” but with a negative undertone.

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牧师正是靠了这种深邃而持续的低沉语调而获得了恰到好处的力量。It was this profound and continual undertone that gave the clergyman his most appropriate power.

它可以表达一种带着挖苦意味的好意,这取决于你表达的需要。It can have a very sarcastic undertone which could be good, depending on what you need to express.

您的肤色比多数大概是黄色和橄榄并且可能甚而有轻微的红色低音。Your skin tone is probably more yellow and olive than most and could even have a slight red undertone.