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有眼睛状花纹的熊也居住在这里。Bear also lives in this biome.

首先我们先解释一下生物群落。Lets start by defining a biome.

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有眼睛状花纹的熊也居住在这里。The Spectacled Bear also lives in this biome.

据报道说Biome只有875磅重。The Biome reportedly would weigh only 875 lbs.

论述了植物,动物和草原生物群落的特点。Discusses the plants, animals, and characteristics of the grassland biome.

然而,Biome确实是在位于加州卡尔斯巴德的德国公司的设计工厂里设计的。Yet the Biome was actually designed at the German company's design studio in Carlsbad, California.

由于没有参与渔业评估,奥地利在生物群落保护方面得到的100分对其综合得分影响很大。With no fisheries to be evaluated, Austria's 100 score on biome protection gets a greater weighting.9. Cuba

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尽管极地极其寒冷而且冰雪环绕,在那里依然可以发现很多生物。Although polar regions biomes are cold and icy all year round, living things all though this biome can be found.

地球上有近四分之三的面积被海洋所覆盖。海洋有着世界上最大的生物群系。海洋生态区是由咸水和很多很多的物种构成。Nearly three-fourths of the earth is ocean. The ocean is the largest biome. The ocean biome is made of salt water and many species.

其中最引人注目的例子涉及到大气二氧化碳含量的升高对生物圈内海洋生物群落里的珊瑚礁的酸化影响。The most striking example of this involved the acidifying effects of elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide on coral reefs in the sphere’s ocean biome.

生物群落是指“类似于气候条件的气候和地理的生态环境,象植物,动物和土壤生物的共同体”。A biome is "climatically and geographically defined areas of ecologically similar climatic conditions such as communities of plants, animals, and soil organisms."

这是全球生态学和古生态学研究中区域尺度上我国植物功能型和生物群区分类的一次尝试。These studies were attempted to lay a foundation of Chinese PFTs and biome classifications at a regional scale for the studies of global ecology and palaeoecology.

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城市滨水区处在陆地与湿地生态系统的免费园林景观论文边界,其景观生态边界效应明显,如生物群落结构复杂,生境多样等,但同时也是城市游憩休闲空间的重要载体。As the edge of the land and wet eco-system, the landscape ecological edge effect of urban waterfront area is manifest, such as complex biome structure and diverse habitat.

该地区横跨玻利维亚、巴拉圭和阿根廷等三个国家,森林、棕榈林地、灌木草原和沼泽相互交错,生物群落规模在南美仅次于亚马逊。Covering parts of Bolivia, Paraguay and Argentina, it is a mix of forest, palm woodland, shrubby steppe, and swamp. It is the second largest biome in South America after Amazonia.

每个孢粉样品被归并到相似得分最高的生物群区,这里还同时遵循子集优先规则,即得分相同的情况下,包含植物功能型数目最少的生物群区便是这个孢粉样品的生物群区类型。The pollen sample is assigned to the biome to which it has the highest affinity, subject to a tie-breaking rule that the last biome should include the fewest types PFTs when got the same affinity.