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街上空空荡荡的。It was almost deserted.

她是一个弃妇。She was a deserted wife.

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那条街是冷清清的。The street was deserted.

全体船员弃船逃生。The whole crew deserted.

这个警卫擅离职守。The guard deserted his post.

那房子似已无人居住。The house appeared deserted.

他开小差逃离他所在的团。He deserted from his regiment.

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那名军官擅离职守。The officer deserted his post.

这个士兵开小差。The soldier deserted his army.

我知道奥巴马抛弃了以色列。I know BHO has deserted Israel.

他失去了一切信念。All his convictions deserted him.

一条街上冷清清地简直没有人行。The street was cold and deserted.

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如同黎明的码头一样遭人遗弃。Deserted like the wharves at dawn.

他投靠了对方。He deserted to the opposite party.

他突然失去了勇气。His courage suddenly deserted him.

那名官员叛变投敌了。The officer deserted to the enemy.

他们从团里开了小差。They deserted from their regiment.

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这位士兵擅离职守了。The soldier deserted from his post.

那名年轻战士从军队里开了小差。The young soldier deserted the army.

他离村迁往城市。He deserted the village for the city.