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这是卡卡圈坊根深蒂固的一种营销手段。This is one of its ingrained marketing tricks.

那么,运动减肥的颂歌是如何变得如此根深蒂固呢?Then how did the exercise-to-lose-weight mantra become so ingrained?

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我们需要使用上帝的话语来揭露我们关于性的根深蒂固的谎言。We need to use God’s Word to expose the lies we’ve ingrained about sex.

汉语的那些语调和强调习惯简直是与生俱来的,根深蒂固的,简直不可思议。Intonation and stress habits are incredibly ingrained and second-nature.

之后我会再定期温习这些观点,直到它们根植于我的脑海为止。I then review these points regularly until I have them ingrained in my mind.

对不列颠帝国旧日地位的怀恋早已根深蒂固,难以割舍。The nostalgia for the status of Britain's imperial past is deeply ingrained.

当孩子的行为根深柢固时,要想扭转过来,就太晚了。When children's behaviors are ingrained , it's too late to turn them around.

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从电脑到手机到音响,技术在我们的生活中是根深蒂固的。From computers to cell phones to stereos, technology is ingrained in our lives.

他们的语法是基于西班牙语的,与英语截然不同。so their grammar is very ingrained in Spanish, which is different than English.

问题是,这种不同根植于美加两国的文化。Trouble is, some differences between the two countries are culturally ingrained.

接下来继续保持紧密的连贯性直到这个习惯根深蒂固为止。Then be as consistent as possible from then on out, until the habit is ingrained.

我们的进化史将许多一度受到渴求的特质在我们大脑中根深蒂固。Our evolutionary history has ingrained many once-desirable traits in our "wetware."

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努力工作本质上讲是一件非常好的事情,这种观点在很多文化中根深蒂固。There’s an idea ingrained in many cultures that hard work is a good thing in itself.

但将质量意识根植到每项要做的任务中是一个对任何团队都有益的目标。But quality ingrained in every task performed is a goal that will serve any team well.

这墙壁上的风景就是天使感受到真实,融化在血液中的逐梦。The scenes on the walls are ingrained in the angel's minds and course through their blood.

现行的数十种法规加上根深柢固的习惯,使提升效益的努力窒碍难行,甚至还奖励浪费。And scores of ingrained rules and habits block efficiency efforts or actually reward waste.

的经济萧条将会根深蒂固的印在美国未来几代的思想里。The Depression of 1929-40 will be ingrained in the minds of Americans for generations to come.

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几年之后,指责和相互踢皮球就成为了根深蒂固的习惯。After a few years, finger-pointing and throw-it-over-the-wall processes become ingrained habits.

然而,其面部表情却可能逐渐在面部肌肉中根深蒂固。Rather, the use of certain expressions can become ingrained in the musculature of the face over time.

既存在无意识地、根深蒂固的自我限制,又存在有意识地、选择性自我限制。There are unconsciously ingrained self-limitations. And there are consciously chosen self-limitations.