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我把它看作是精确的。I see it as accurate.

寿桃造型准确。Peach is accurate shape.

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陶的概说是准确的。Almost Tao said to be accurate.

项目WAG有多精确?How accurate is the project WAG?

我踩着准确的步点到达眼前。I came here in an accurate pace.

那么计时时我要达到怎样的精度?How accurate should I do the timing?

而且通常这种刻板印象是正确的。And so they're pretty often accurate.

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换挡时的准确操纵。Shift when the accurate manipulation.

对所有花销有一个准确的列表。Have an accurate list of all expenses.

因此,该模型是不精确的。Therefore, this model is not accurate.

精确到具体的、测量的深度。Accurate to a specific, measured depth.

内容应该是精确的和最新的。Content should be accurate and current.

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但是如何开发准确的测试呢?But how do you develop an accurate test?

这一切都依赖于精确的估值。All of this requires accurate valuations.

但那古老的谚语并不非常准确。But the old saying is not quite accurate.

请明示哪张更准确。Please verify which one is more accurate.

这个似乎合理的提法是不准确的。This plausible suggstion is not accurate.

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需要显示准确的库存量。Need to display accurate inventory levels.

我先声明这个没有个准确的值。Not an accurate statement. I will clarify.

用雷射导引的飞弹非常精确。Laser-guided missiles are extremely accurate.