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巴布教原本是伊斯兰教什叶派里的一种救世主运动。Babism originated as a messianic movement in Shiite Islam.

什叶派领导人萨德尔要求政治解决方案。The Shiite leader Moqtada Sadr has called for a political solution.

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那里没有固定的警察,因为警察大部分是什叶派教徒。There was no regular police there because the police are mostly Shiite.

伊拉克官员已加强了什叶派城市卡尔巴拉的戒备。Officials in Iraq have increased security in the Shiite city of Karbala.

卜拉欣在曼苏尔的街区曾经混住着孙尼派和什叶派,大家和平共处,相安无事。Brahim's block in Mansour was once a comfortable mix of Sunni and Shiite.

伊拉克什叶派牧师穆克塔达萨德尔正威胁着一个全国性民间起义。Iraqi Shiite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr is threatening a nationwide civil revolt.

冲突已经引发了巴格达和其他伊拉克城市的报复斗争。Clashes there have sparked retaliatory fights in Baghdad and other Shiite cities.

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在什叶派城纳杰夫一场自杀式炸弹袭击中的受害者在送去安葬,伊拉克。Victims of a suicide bombing are taken for burial in the Shiite city of Najaf, Iraq.

哈桑是什叶派穆斯林,是被压迫的哈扎拉人,目不识丁,勇敢正直。Hassan is a Shiite Muslim, is the oppressed hazra, courage and integrity, couldn't read.

部分计票显示,马利基在两个什叶派主导的省份领先。Partial counts have Mr. al-Maliki leading in two predominantly Shiite provinces. But Mr.

特别是在伊拉克,那里倾向于德黑兰的什叶派占人口大多数。Especially in Iraq, there are a majority of people inclined to agree with Teheran Shiite.

他因指控1982年杀害了在什叶派穆斯林为主的城市的148人罪名被判处死刑。He was accused for killing 148 people in Shiite Muslem City in 1982 and sentence to death.

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在阿舒拉日什叶派穆斯林做的那些不许可的行为在伊斯兰中没有任何根据。These impermissible actions that the Shiite do on the day of 'Ashura' have no basis in Islam.

在圣城卡尔巴拉,数以千计的什叶派穆斯林示威反对美国。In the holy city of Karbala, thousands of Shiite Muslims demonstrated against the United States.

尽管也门多半是逊尼派,叛乱分子是被杀害的什叶派什叶派牧师侯赛因·胡塞的追随者。Though Yemen is mostly Sunni, the rebels are followers of slain Shiite cleric Hussein al-Houthi.

巴林由逊尼少数派统治,逊尼派长期歧视什叶多数派。The kingdom is ruled by a Sunni minority, which has long discriminated against the Shiite majority.

伊拉克首都巴格达一处主要为什叶派居住的社区发生汽车爆炸案,至少21人丧生。Car bombs have killed at least 21 people in mainly Shiite neighbourhood of the Iraqi capital Bagdad.

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朝圣者参观什叶派的圣地卡迪米亚清真寺,这是近年战乱中保存相对完好的建筑。Pilgrims visit Al Kazimiyah Shrine, a Shiite holy site relatively unharmed by the years of violence.

第二,整个国家有很多清真寺和陵墓,都是什叶派依玛目的子孙。Secondly, there are lots of mosques and tombs of Shiite Imams' grandchildren all around the country.

一名自杀式爆炸者袭击了西南城市奎塔的一处什叶派清真寺,至少28人丧生。A suicide bomber attacked a Shiite mosque in the southwestern city of Quetta killing at least 28 people.