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这是一个重大的谜团。This is a big riddle.

这听起来就像一个谜。It sounds like a riddle.

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你能猜出这个谜语吗?Can you answer this riddle?

猜谜语?我喜欢。A riddle to guess? I like it.

他终于猜出了这个谜语。He found out the riddle at last.

这个谜语终于得到了解答。The riddle was at last unriddled.

那幅画对我们仍然是滚谜。That painting is still a riddle us.

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你是个永远都解不开的迷吗?Are you a riddle to solve all along?

这些都是你的谜题,等待着你去解决。This is the riddle you have to solve.

那幅画对我们来说仍然是个谜。That painting is still a riddle to us.

“艺术本质特征”的问题,是个“斯芬克司之谜”。The nature of art is a Sphinxs riddle.

回答这个谜语,诗中的谜语。You answer the riddle,the poem riddle.

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这个问题对我们来说真是难解之谜。The problem is a Sphinx's riddle to bus.

我儿子显然很会猜字谜。My son is clearly no witch at the riddle.

我肯定能赢今年的灯谜会!I bet I'll win the riddle contest this year!

我一点也摸不透罗伯特的性格。Robert's character is a complete riddle to me.

很明显,这个谜题在暗示急冻人。Clearly this riddle is referring to Mr. Freeze.

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听着朋友们下面是一个谜语。Listen, here's a riddle for all you smarty pants!

在上课之前,小朋友们,我们猜个谜语,好不好?Kiddies, let's guess a riddle before our class, OK?

猜谜语是缅族男女青年谈情说爱的媒介。Riddle is widely used when young Myanmar are dating.