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现代国家原则上都禁止非法取证。Mod ern countries all prohibit it in principle.

这是在母亲膝下就已形成的思维模式。It is a pat ern of thinking learned at our mothers! knees.

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梁启超近代中国著名的报刊活动家和政论家。Liang Qichao was a famous activist and statesman in mod ern China.

语气副词是现代汉语副词的一个次类。The adverb of mood is of a sub-category in mod ern Chinese adverbial wo rds.

供应链管理是当今世界上企业管理的一种成功的管理模式。Supply chain management is a successful patt ern of business management today.

投资基金制度是适应现代市场经济的创新的经济制度。The investment fund system is an innovative economic system which adapts the mod- ern market economy.

尽管说起来容易做起来难,在现代技术的帮助下,我们现在有许多办法来解决这个问题。Though it's easier said than done, with the help of mod ern technology, we now have many means to solve it.

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新的历史课程标准加强了对学习过程与方法的关注。The new historical course standard has been strengthened to the conc ern that studies the course and method.

作为一个世界性的文学原型,“鞋”在中西方文学中都是“性”的象征。As a world-wide literary prototype, "shoes" are the symbol of "sex" both in Chinese and West- ern literature.

文章还给出了该方法的数学模型和算法概要。In the paper algorithm of strong patte- ern recognition is also extended to one of fuzzy pattern recognition.

佤族主要分布在滇西南山地,但与汉族的沟通早已有之,这在姓氏上亦可见一斑。Ethnic Wa people live on the mountains of Southwest ern Yunnan. They have had contacts with ethnic Han for a long time. This can be se en from their surnames.

论述了现代家具型面部件的模压原理、工艺流程、模压对所用各种原材料的要求以及真空模压家具型面部件的技术参数。This paper expounded techniques and technical pressing and theory of membrane form pressing for mod- ern furniture, also requests of materials and technical parameters.

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第六部分,提出了实现上海现代都市农业可持续发展的指标体系并运用其进行了实证分析和预测。The sixth section, the index system of sustainable development of mod- ern agriculture in city countryside in Shanghai is set to analyse and forcast the future development.

正确认识、正确评价和正确借鉴西方协商民主理论,对于当代中国的协商民主发展有着重要的理论和现实意义。How to correctly understand, appraise and learn from West- ern Consultative Democracy is of theoretical and practical significances in today's Chinese consultative democracy development.