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什么是层级调用?What is Call Hierarchy?

是的。是有等级的。Yeah. There is a hierarchy.

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自然状态下没有等级制度。There is no natural hierarchy.

并不存在类型的层次结构。There is no hierarchy of types.

公犬有一个刻板的等级制度。Male dogs have a rigid hierarchy.

统治集团得到更多的利益。The hierarchy obtains more benefit.

这可以是一个文件夹层次结构。This can be a hierarchy of folders.

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其他人觉得等级制度太严苛。Others find the hierarchy stultifying.

层次视图也有了工具条了.Now the Hierarchy View has a toolbar too.

用户描述也可以使用一个分层架构。User stories can have a hierarchy as well.

创建客户端验证器的层次结构Creating a hierarchy of client-side validators

它允许您在层次结构中组织测试。It allows you to organize tests in a hierarchy.

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您需要转移整个表层次结构。You need to transfer the whole table hierarchy.

问题是不分阶层的,痛苦是无分等级的。There is no hierarchy of problems, or scale of pain.

每一等级的人到头来终有自己具体最崇拜的教皇。Each hierarchy culminates in its own particular Pope.

来自相同层次结构的级别的不相邻嵌套Nonadjacent Nesting of Levels from the same Hierarchy

表层次结构中的子表不能被转移。Subtables in a table hierarchy cannot be transferred.

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为什么不直接使用没有层次结构的名值对呢?Why not simply use name-value pairs with no hierarchy?

这些层构成了一个虚拟机的等级层次。These levels constitute a hierarchy of virtual machines.

苦乐观具有层次性。It has hierarchy for viewpoint on hardship and happiness.