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黄晶是给出一个希望,青年,健康的象征,和保真度。Citrine is given as a symbol of hope, youth, health, and fidelity.

今年布希送给劳拉的生日礼物是一条琥珀色的三排珠水晶项鍊。This year, it's a triple-strand necklace with amber-colored citrine.

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柠檬黄,也能提高思维能力的人。Citrine is also capable of improving the mental capacity of the person.

黄水晶和黄玉诞生石戒指来在不同的形状和大小。Citrine and topaz birthstone rings come in a variety of shapes and sizes.

它的颜色也更轻比大多数柠檬色,你在市场上找到。It is also lighter in color than most citrine that you find on the market.

茶晶能令人体细胞活泼,老化征象减慢速度,复原芳华的活力。Citrine active human cells can, slow down aging and restore youthful vigor.

柠檬黄的特性,被认定是提高创造力的人。Citrine has properties that are deemed to increase the creativity of the person.

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另一个有趣的事实,黄水晶和紫水晶也的确可以找到在同一个石头。Another interesting fact, citrine and amethyst can actually be found in the same stone.

另外,俄的乌拉尔山脉、法国的杜法因呢和马达加斯加也有少量的出产。Citrine can also be found in the Ural Mountains of Russia, in Dauphine , France, and in Madagascar.

黄水晶的主要伴生矿物为磁铁矿、钛铁矿,少量黄铁矿和微量黄铜矿。The associated minerals of citrine are mainly magnetite and ilmenite, subordinately pyrite and rarely chalcopyrite.

编串起以下矿石,在项链底部添上一块镶制的较大黄水晶。String together the following minerals adding a larger piece of citrine wire wrapped and hung upon the necklace of beads.

紧凑的功能相结合的柠檬闪烁水晶和石英石淡绿色规定纯银镀在18K黄金与钻石的细节。The compact features a shimmering combination of lemon citrine and pale green quartz stones set in sterling silver plated in 18K yellow gold with diamond details.