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“我清楚得很,”老头子坚持道。"I know enough, " insisted old Archibald, determinedly.

但是现在新一波的拉美裔移民则断然决然地坚持使用西班牙语。But the new Hispanics are determinedly sticking to Spanish.

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他俯身要吻我,但我断然把脸扭开了。He bent to kiss me, but I turned my face determinedly away.

如果爱已变成苦酒,就毅然地放下执着。If the love becomes to the bitter wine, and put down determinedly.

“允文,带她过去。”花向蓉声音冷沉坚决。"Grant a text, take her past. "Flower to Rong voice cold sink determinedly.

你要是不跟我比试我坚决不上手术台!If you not with me have a competition me determinedly not final operating table!

“因为我要她学习基督教的信仰,”葛哈德坚决的回说。"Because I want she should learn the Christian faith, " returned Gerhardt determinedly.

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各种声响会更加惊心动魄,海浪拍打着船舷也更有力。Noise in general becomes more striking, with waves slapping more determinedly at our sides.

这种对一个新美国的凝视暗示出其中必然有些欧洲人的成分。The suggestion was that there was something determinedly European about this new American gaze.

本地旱情救援组的县级领导龚新征并没有被目前的形势击败。The county-level chief of local drought-relief efforts, Gong Xinzhen, is determinedly upbeat about the situation.

打是坚决不能去打的,可若是不报此仇,让她如何咽得下这口气?Beat is determinedly can not beat, can if it were not for report this enemy, let how she swallow afterward this tone?

值得注意的是,窖藏中的两枚十字架都被明显的弯曲折叠,就像窖藏中的其余物品一样。Remarkably, one of the hoard's two crosses was determinedly bent and folded, like so many of the other pieces in the hoard.

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今天,幸亏远古成因已日渐清晰化,精神本能已能果断的宣称自己的地位了。And today, as the appreciation of a Primal Cause becomes more clearly defined, the spiritual instinct asserts itself determinedly.

宁镇长说出如此坚决果毅的话,想来他也是下定决心,要和我们一起过去了。Rather the town mayor speaks thus determinedly tough of words, think to he is also to make a firm decision, want with we together past.

意志型性格通常表现为行为目标明确,行为方式积极主动,坚决果断,故多适应于经营性或决策性的职业。Those with strong will have clear goals, they act positively and determinedly . So they are suitable for determined and operational jobs.

她决意继续朝他走去,留下佩妮坐在转椅上瞪着他们。她似乎觉得跟着莉莉过来已经很过分了。Then she marched determinedly towards him, leaving Petunia, who seemed to think she had done more than enough by coming, sitting on the roundabout, scowling at them.

某天傍晚时分,在哥斯达黎加森林深处,一只年轻的公美洲豹从睡梦中醒来、伸了伸懒腰,不声不响地决意永远离开牠的出生地。At dusk one evening, deep in a Costa Rican forest, a young male jaguar rises from his sleep, stretches, and silently but determinedly leaves forever the place where he was born.

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发现市场上没有现成的解决方案后,苏珊下定决心自己创造一种产品,帮助成千上万女性同胞恢复自信。After finding no credible solutions, Susan’s ongoing frustrations led her to determinedly produce a product that would finally improve the confidence of thousands of women like her.

这样,比较编程语言要么挑起信仰口水战要么就只能在绝对中立的教材里,这只能是人类学的工作了。As a result, comparisons of programming languages either take the form of religious wars or undergraduate textbooks so determinedly neutral that they're really works of anthropology.

战淳轩冷眼瞪过去,两只大手死死的揽住妻子的腰肢,坚决不肯再让她去厨房内忙碌。Fight Chun Xuan cool detachment gaze in the past, two big hand deads died of the Lan lives a cuckoldry waist limb, determinedly wasn't compliant to make her go to again engaged inside the kitchen.