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它们是真正的美国文典。They are real Americana.

中东的“美式和平”主义者The "Pax Americana" in the Middle East

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我们一年一次的美国文物旅行没意思吗?。Tell me that our yearly Americana road trip isn't fun.

我们对欧洲和南美顶级联盟的报道仍会继续。Our coverage of the top leagues in Europe and the Copa Sud Americana continues.

目的研究美洲大蠊提取物中油脂的化学成分。Objective To determine the lipid components extracted from periplaneta americana.

如果他们不能,那么赤字,美元美国强权下的世界安定和平又意味着什么?And if they can’t, what does that mean for the deficit, the dollar, and Pax Americana?

于是他们要了两个热狗,坐在旁边的长椅上开始享受美国的美食!So they order two hot dogs and sit on a nearby bench to enjoy another piece of Americana.

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抗菌肽杀菌作用初步观察。Observations on bactericidal action of antibacterial peptide from Periplaneta americana L.

在亚利桑那州的那条历史上著名的66号公路旁,一家冰淇淋店的招牌上仍萦绕着美国文化的痕迹。Vestiges of Americana linger in an ice cream shop's sign along Arizona's historic Route 66.

在北美的一个近缘种,甲,美洲是被误为飞金顶。In North America a closely related species, A. americana is often mistaken for the Fly Agaric.

音乐协会荣誉奖将于10月13日递交了第十届美洲纳什维尔。The 10th Americana Music Association Honors and Awards will be handed out October 13 in Nashville.

目的观察AB型蟑螂引诱剂对美洲大蠊和德国小蠊的引诱效果。Objective To observe the effect of AB cockroach attractant on Periplaneta americana and Blattella germanica.

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通过对两者质谱鉴定结果的比较来评估美洲大蠊天然主要变应原蛋白的纯化效果。Our data showed that the purified protein with molecular weight of 74 kD is the major allergen of P. americana.

是在去美国的旅程中,感受到美国人的进取,我才改变主意,同意了开博客的想法。It was only on a trip to the States, feeling the aggressiveness of Americana that I changed my mind and said yes.

在加拿大的伍德布法罗国家公园里,一只成年的美洲鹤发出溅泼声地奔跑,准备穿越沼泽地。An adult Grus americana makes a splashing run-up to flight through a marsh in Canada's Wood Buffalo National Park.

也有人担心这个政府维护了30年的“美式和平”的稳定局面会因此支离破碎。There is also a concern that the stability provided to Pax Americana by this regime for three decades will be torn apart.

目的本实验就美洲大蠊提取物的抗炎、镇痛等药理作用进行动物实验研究。Objective To study the anti-inflammation effect and analgesia action of the extracts of Periplaneta americana by animal experiment.

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农场主们通常都很乐意跟别人分享农场有趣的文化和故事,让你更加了解美国的历史和风情。The owners are often times anxious to share their farm’s rich culture and history, providing an interesting glimpse into Americana.

到了今年一月,很久以前放在“21俱乐部”餐厅外面草坪上的四尊1920年左右用铁铸成的赛马骑士像在苏富比的“美国重要史料文物拍卖会”上被人标走。And in January, four circa-1920 cast-iron lawn jockeys, manufactured for the 21 Club, were auctioned off at Sotheby’s Important Americana sale.

东京御台场岛图片。普及的美国文物是明显在御台场,在那里一座自由女神塑像复制品竖立在彩虹桥附近,指定作它的面部变色彩色灯。The popularity of Americana is evident in Odaiba, where a Statue of Liberty replica stands near Rainbow Bridge, named for its changing colored lights.