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夏天里哟,那个卖冰棒的叫卖声。In summer, the ice-lolly peddler hawking.

你想,我还会沿街叫卖烤肉?You think I'd be hawking barbecue over here?

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这是麦可·霍金来自坦桑尼亚州阿鲁沙的报道。As Michael Hawking reports from Arusha in Tanzania.

我从没有见过这么多人在沿街叫卖。I've never seen so many people hawking their wares.

“我看到人类生存存在巨大危险,”霍金说。"I see great dangers for the human race, " Hawking said.

史蒂芬·威廉·霍金出生于1942年1月的伦敦。Stephen William Hawking was born in January 1942 in London.

虽然短暂,但霍金说自由飘浮“不可思议”。Hawking said it was “amazing” to float free, however briefly.

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可以听到她在楼上卧室里清嗓子和咳嗽的声音。She could be heard hawking and coughing in the upstairs bedroom.

这位是斯蒂文·霍金,他是剑桥大学的教授。He is Stephen Hawking. He is a professor of Cambridge University.

这是我第一次看见新鲜的莲子,小商贩正围车叫卖。This is my first time to see fresh lotus seed. The peddler is hawking.

不管这个警告,露茜发现必须引入一个公式。Despite this warning, Hawking found it necessary to in clue one equation.

与霍金一起了解宇宙。一切的故事。Discovery. Into. The. Universe. With. Stephen. Hawking. 03. The. Story. of.

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英国物理学家霍金本周语出惊人,称"穿梭时空"将成为可能。UK physicist Stephen Hawking said this week that "time travel is possible".

史蒂芬·霍金是当代世界著名的科学家与思想家。Stephen Hawking is a famous scientist and ideologist of this time in the world.

市场上满是顽强的人们,他们兜售着冻鱼、猪肉和马心。The marketplace is still full of hardy souls hawking frozen fish, pork and horse hearts.

霍金是被关在观察在Addenbrooke医院今天上午。Professor Hawking is being kept in for observation at Addenbrooke'shospital this morning.

安鲁论证,声音的「视界」也会发出和霍金辐射类似的热声子。Unruh argued that the sonic horizon emits thermal phonons analogous to Hawking radiation.

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霍金一直强调,没有他的妻子珍妮,他的事业是不会腾飞的。Without his wife Jane, Hawking has always emphasized, his career might never have soared.

38岁的张立杰十年前从卖菜改行为在街头叫卖化石。Zhang, 38, went from selling vegetables a decade ago to hawking fossils on a street corners.

再后来,我去了巴黎,在老佛爷百货大楼里叫卖了一年设计师衬衫。And then I went to Paris and spent a year hawking designer shirts in the Place de la Madeleine.