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塞瑞诺是位知名的古生物学家。Sereno is a well-known paleontologist.

也许你正有一个十分想知道的问题要询问古生物学家,也许你正考虑换个工作、想直接跟某位摄影师或景观设计师谈谈。Perhaps you have a burning question for a paleontologist.

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但这次他们发现的是自然条件下“刚出锅”的岩浆——马施把这次发现比作古生物学家发现一群恐龙在遥远的岛屿上嬉戏玩耍。paleontologist finding a dinosaur frolicking on a remote island.

保罗?塞丽诺是一名古生物学者,同时也是芝加哥大学的教授。Paul Sereno is a paleontologist and professor at the University of Chicago.

专此纪念著名的古生物学家盛金章院士。This paper is dedicated to academician Sheng Jinzhang, a famous paleontologist.

我有一次还看见一个没用过的古早闪光灯泡,让我还以为自己是个古生物学家。One bit I found — a flashbulb, still unpopped, made me feel like a paleontologist.

2009年,当这具多塞郡上龙的颅骨被公诸于世的时候,古生物学家对其颚骨进行了测量。Paleontologist measures the jaw bone of the Dorset pliosaur in 2009, when the find was first announced.

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在她到达后没几个月,古道尔就见到了著名的人类学家、古生物学家路易斯·利奇。Within a few months of her arrival, Goodall met the famed anthropologist and paleontologist Louis Leakey.

古生物学家戴夫·诺普假设百分之七十五的物种灭绝事件是小天外来客撞击造成的。Paleontologist Dave Raup postulates that 75 percent of all extinction events were caused by asteroid impacts.

实际上有一段时间,我在长大以后成为考古学家还是古生物学家上伤透了脑筋,哈哈。In fact, for a time, I flip-flopped between wanting to be an archaeologist and a paleontologist as a child, haha.

在古生物学家尼尔·兰德曼的办公室中,几乎每一块可被利用的空间都摆满了装着菊石化石的托盘。Nearly every available surface in paleontologist Neil Landman's office is covered with trays of ammonite fossils.

大卫霍恩是在北京中国科学院古脊椎动物与古人类古生物学家的中国。David Hone is a paleontologist at the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology of China in Beijing.

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在迅猛鳄冯休内首次发现于1938年在巴西的一个来访的德国古生物学家称为弗里德里希。The Prestosuchus was first discovered in Brazil in 1938 by a visiting German paleontologist called Friedrich von Huene.

对此持怀疑论者都在盼着她出丑,不过也有一位名叫路易斯·李基的古生物学家看好珍,因为他曾招募珍参加过内罗毕的考古工作。One person, the paleontologist Louis Leakey, who had recruited her to the task up in Nairobi, believed she might succeed.

保罗·C·赛雷诺是芝加哥大学的古生物学家,以给他在撒哈拉沙漠挖出的鳄鱼化石起外号为乐。Paul C. Sereno, a paleontologist at the University of Chicago, has fun naming the fossil crocodiles he dug up from the Sahara.

看起来都足有一英尺长、像屋顶上的瓦片一样的鳞甲若有所思地说道。"Gorgeous armor, " mused paleontologist Hans Larsson, examining a stack of foot-long bony scutes that looked like roofing tiles.

蒙大拿州立大学的古生物学家霍纳怀疑那些短暴龙的遗骸可能是属于一只年轻的暴龙。Horner, a paleontologist at Montana State University, suspects the remains of Nanotyrranus may belong to a young Tyrannosaurus rex.

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但在看过了大量近期发现的动物骨骼后,来自俄亥俄大学的古生物学家杰克·贝利大胆地提出了一个不同的理论。But after looking at much more recent animal skeletons, paleontologist Jack Baily of Ohio University ventures a very different theory.

业余古生物学家杰米·希斯考克斯在尘封的沉积物中发现了这块琥珀,并交到了牛津大学的团队手里。Amateur paleontologist Jamie Hiscocks found the amber deposits, long hidden by sands and tides, and gave them to an Oxford University team.

“这个是一非常工整的论文,”SB说到,他是纽约市美国自然史博物馆一位知识渊博的古生物学家。"This is a very neat paper, " says Stephen Brusatte, a vertebrate paleontologist at the American Museum of Natural History in New York City.