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他已经有几分醉意了。He is a bit tipsy.

我感觉有点微醉。I'm feeling a bit tipsy.

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不行了,我有点醉了。No, thanks, I'm a bit tipsy.

这酒喝得他有点醉意了。The wine has made him a trifle tipsy.

他以一个流浪人的声音喊道。He cried out in the voice of a tipsy man.

他昨天醺醺然的,但现在是清醒的。He was tipsy yesterday , but is now sober.

他昨天醉醺醺的,但现在是清醒的。He was tipsy yesterday , but now is sober.

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惠美子带着一些醉意从晚会上回到家。Emiko came home a little tipsy from the party.

我知道我没有醉,只是微醺。I know I was not drunk, just a little bit tipsy.

你并不懂得酒性,它是会使你醉的。You're not knowing spirits and they will be making you tipsy.

如喝了窖藏多年的老酒,让我略带醉意。Such as drinking wine cellars for years, let me slightly tipsy.

那么,杉,到坂本家的醉屋去找三蒲医生吧。Well, Sugi , walk up toward Sakamoto's tipsy house and look for Dr.

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如喝了窖藏多年的老酒,让我略带醉意。Such as a cache to drink wine for many years, let me slightly tipsy.

现在我们决不能忍受这群长着脓包、喝醉了的小兔崽子们的无礼举动。Now, we won't submit to impertinence from these pimply, tipsy virgins.

你是知道的,如果我没醉的话是不会告诉你这些的。You know, I probably wouldn't even tell you this if I weren't a little tipsy.

生活就是拉丁港口微醉的黄昏——一种别致的疯狂。The tipsy nightfall, A Latino port, Dainty and Crazy life, And he is the talented mixer.

主人在邀请游客喝青稞酒时,高唱祝酒歌,使游客酒意更浓,游兴更高。Hosts toast the tourists to make them in a more tipsy feeling and a higher tourist interest.

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这个技巧在你干杯并且你得朋友已经微醉的时候最为有用。This technique would work best when you’re doing shots and you’re friends are already tipsy.

我们开始觉得飘飘然,而韩老板说话也有些口吃,“我先出去一躺办点事,”他说。We grow tipsy and Boss Han also starts to slur. "I have to go get something done, " he says.

我们在微醺的城市里大把的时间,不过也有一些时间确实是清醒着的。We've spent a great deal of time in the Tipsy City, some of the time actually spent being sober.