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在候车的时候不要嬉戏打闹。No horseplay while waiting for the bus.

马球是只要你的工作确定的关闭时钟。Horseplay is OK at work as long as are off the clock.

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井场上不允许胡闹或搞恶作剧。Do not engage in horseplay or practical jokes at rig site.

井场上不允许胡闹或搞恶作剧。Do not engage in horseplay or prfunctionical jokes at rig site.

当老师提议让玛丽当班长时,大家开始哄闹起来。They began to horseplay when the teacher put Mary up for the monitor.

我记得这种非恶意的闹剧在美国选举史上也曾经发生。If I recall, such good-natured horseplay happens in American elections, too.

在经历了1月30日穆萨卡拉巡逻,海军陆战队搞一个小胡闹。After a patrol in Musa Qala on Jan. 30, Marines engage in a little horseplay.

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“这事太扯淡了,”切尔西的消息人士说。"It was a bit of horseplay that went seriously wrong, " said a Chelsea source.

印度人称此为“色彩的游戏”,一群人疯狂的,尽情的喧闹和人体彩绘。Indians call it "playing colors" a jubilant scrum of horseplay and body painting.

他们全神贯注地在参与到这场十足的胡闹之中。Here they are, absorbed, as they're participating in complete and absolute horseplay.

严禁在项目现场“追打玩闹”,只在非常紧急的情况下,允许在项目现场奔跑。" HORSEPLAY " on the project site is strictly prohibited. Running on the project site is allowed only in extreme emergencies.