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有些粉丝们会全神贯注地持续坐上10个小时。Some sit rapt for ten hours straight.

特雷诺太太全神贯注地望着她。Mrs. Trenor fixed a rapt eye upon her.

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杰克对全神贯注看着他的人民庄重地说Jake plays to the rapt crowd as he says

他们两个趴着愣愣地凝神细听。The two of them lay rapt and attentive.

他屏气凝神地听著音乐。He listened to the music with rapt attention.

他对这位少女真是崇拜得五体投地。He was rapt in admiration of that young lady.

我的朋友和一个他认识的女孩正打得火热。My friend was rapt with this young lady he’d met.

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她全神贯注地听着。She listened with rapt attention. or She was all ears.

切尔西的抢断再一次在着魔的观众前闪光。Yet again, Chelsea's steel glinted in front of a rapt audience.

醉心写作已成为乾隆年间的事了。Being rapt in writing was something prehistorical for me till then.

他们手牵着手,坐在峡谷边缘,双腿荡悠着,陶醉于美景之中。Holding hands, they dangled their feet over the edge, rapt in beauty.

女孩一字不落的背诵完整首诗,我和同去的伙伴早已看得目瞪口呆。After she finished the whole poem word-perfectly, my friends and i were already rapt in wonder.

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集会上全身湿透的奥巴马议员,威得恩大学,切斯特,宾夕法尼亚州。Rapt Obama supporters, chilly at an October campaign rally at Widener University in Chester, Pa.

难怪晚餐聚会,超市排队中,汽车站,她总是吸引人们全神贯注的注意力。No wonder she held people in rapt attention at dinner parties, in line at the market, at bus stops.

他把双肘支在膝盖上,双手托着下巴,一言不发的想着什么。He leant his two elbows on his knees, and his chin on his hands and remained rapt in dumb meditation.

伫立在雷捷的作品前,我回忆起儿时依偎在妈妈身边,看这件作品的样子。Now, standing rapt before the Léger, I can remember doing so when still a child and at my mother’s side.

杰斯特罗翻讲稿的那种满怀厌恶的手势,意想不到地使凝神细听的听众犹疑不定地笑了起来。The disgusted gesture with which Jastrow turns his page surprises an uncertain laugh from the rapt audience.

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两个时有争执的巨头之间的这场狂野搏杀让科技圈和并购圈里的人看得目不转睛。The wild war between the two sometimes bickering giants had the technology and M&A worlds in rapt attention.

伯顿讲话的时候,伊恩索就会全神贯注地关注,泰勒讲话时它却毫无反应。The dog seemed to pay rapt attention to Burton when he spoke, but responded to Taylor as if she wasn't there.

我为每一个音符凝神,他总是倾下整匹的音乐如素锦。I note with rapt attention to each one, he is always tilting the entire piece of music, such as under the Su-Kam.