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牧羊座需要反抗。Aries need to rebel.

一个回从高体的反水者!A rebel from the waist down!

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这三个男人属于胡图族反叛分子。The three men were rebel Hutu.

是叛军还是联邦军?Was he a rebel or a Union man?

起义军攻州克群,屡战屡胜。Rebel attack state G group, single.

女权之邦的一些男人也会反抗。Some men in the Gynocracy do rebel.

她会支持s的反叛力量吗?Will she side withs's rebel forces?

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安科纳现在起始是叛乱地区。Ancona now starts as a rebel region.

安科纳现在开局成为一个叛军领地。Ancona now starts as a rebel region.

重新组建叛乱武装。Reorganizing the armed rebel forces.

抗衡速食和快节奏生活.Rebel against fast food and fast life.

一支叛军受诱骗中了埋伏。A rebel force was beguiled into ambush.

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我仍在等待后代的反叛。I'm still waiting for the proles to rebel.

但草根阶级不会因被利用而“揭竿而起”吗?But won’t the grass-roots rebel at being used?

在叛逆者的宇宙中,死亡颂扬不公。In the rebel s universe, death exalts injustice.

年轻人会下意识的反叛传统。The young rebel against traditions subliminally.

农夫,起义军飞行员,绝地宗师,父亲。Farmboy. Pilot. Rebel. Jedi. Grand Master. Father.

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费尔南多Tejedor从不认为自己是反叛。Fernando Tejedor never considered himself a rebel.

现在它已是Korhal起义的总部。Now it served as the rebel headquarters on Korhal.

反动军的领袖死了,但反动事业并没死。The rebel leader was dead, but not the rebel cause.