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全部都是快乐的歌曲。One and all a joyous song.

可是这时,芳汀却正在欢乐中。But at that moment Fantine was joyous.

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米奇的家里洋溢着快乐的歌声.Mickey's house is full of joyous singing.

他们把这一佳音很快地传递给我们。They conveyed the joyous news to us soon.

告诉她,欢乐的时光不会停步Tell her the joyous time will not be staid

我们欢度中秋佳节。We celebrated the joyous Mid-Autumn Festival.

每次看见她坐在车里,我就心花怒放。I saw her sitting in her car and I was joyous.

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引着我向欢乐的未来飞越!To guide me flying to the joyous future from here!

它使灰心的有指望,忧闷的快乐。It makes the desponding hopeful, the gloomy joyous.

这支歌的乐曲使她心旷神怡。The music of this song sent her carefree and joyous.

鲁豫觉得采访别人是一件快乐的事情。Luyu think interview with others is a joyous process.

全部都是快乐的歌曲。我们唱了一遍又一遍。One and all a joyous song. Let us sing, again and again.

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我和劳拉祝大家过一个平安快乐的劳动日周末。Laura and I wish you a safe and joyous Labor Day weekend.

整场活动始终洋溢着热烈欢乐的气氛。The event was proceeding in a joyous and warm atmosphere.

通过这场考验后,它就成为一件令我高兴的事。And when I passed that test, it was a joyous thing for me.

爱玛看出了韦斯顿先生是怎样领会这喜幸的前景的。Emma saw how Mr. Weston understood these joyous prospects.

这些人也在现场领导众人欢乐地敬拜。They were there to lead the people in this joyous worship.

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没有任何事能比新生儿的到来更高兴了。There's nothing more joyous than the arrival of a new baby.

但是在这么欢悦的气氛中,我也就渐渐的淡忘了。But in such a joyous atmosphere, I also gradually forgotten.

这是你们欢乐的城,从上古而有的吗。Is this your joyous city, whose antiquity is of ancient days?