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他灰溜溜地走了。He went away in dejection.

失败者垂头丧气地坐着,全身瘫软。The loser sat slumped in dejection.

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怯弱是通向消沉的桥。Timidity is the bridge to dejection.

你的沮丧情绪于你的身体不利。Your dejection will do no good to your health.

她因错过聚会而面露懊丧之色。Her face showed her dejection at missing the party.

她没精打采地走来走去,沮丧地低声哼着。She walked about listlessly, humming to herself in dejection.

在过去的四年多的时间里,他的面容逐渐变成一副沮丧的样子。Over the past four years, I have seen his face evolve into picture of dejection.

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另一面只有黑暗,酷热,寂静,懊恼,猜疑和沮丧。On the other side there’s only darkness, heat, silence, irritation, doubt, dejection.

受了伤的船长躺在船头,这时候正沉浸在极度的沮丧和冷漠之中。The Injured captaIn, lyIng In the bow, was at this time buried In that profound dejection and Indifference.

巴黎沮丧的气氛加上对一队老年化球队差不多预料中所能做的感觉。The mood in Paris was dejection coupled with a sense that the ageing team had done as much as could be expected.

有一天,他同她偶尔谈起了古代希腊的田园生活,也看出了她的沮丧。He observed her dejection one day, when he had casually mentioned something to her about pastoral life in ancient Greece.

小王子所访问的下一个星球上住着一个酒鬼。访问时间非常短,可是它却使小王子非常忧伤。The next planet was inhabited by a tippler. This was a very short visit, but it plunged the little prince into deep dejection.

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结果显示番茄纤维能明显促进小鼠小肠运动、增加粪便粒数、重量和提高排便频率。Tomato fibre can improve apparently intestinal peristalsis, and increase dejection amounts, weights, and elevate defecation frequents.

人如果没有接触受感染的活家禽、雀鸟及其粪便就无须过分担心会患上禽流感。People don't have to worry too much about getting bird flu if they haven't touched living fowls or sparrows and their dejection before.

侯迪士先生很认真地听我们的陈诉,他惯有的那充满自信的表情逐渐地消失了,取而代之的是一个非常沮丧的表情。As Mr. Hotis listened intently to our recital, his customary expression of self-confidence gradually vanished, replaced by one of dejection.

经检测,获得了成年贵州小型猪胃肠内容物及新鲜粪便中正常菌群的基本数据。After testing, the basic data of the normal flora from gastrointestinal contents and fresh dejection of adult Guizhou miniature pig were obtained.

那两个黑衣人显然是没有找到目标,又怕引起麻烦,赶紧灰溜溜地下车去了。Obviously, those two men in black don't find what they want, and they aren't willing to make waves, so they hurriedly get off the bus in dejection.

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这是好消息,因为现在人们对于寻求帮助不再羞于启齿,人们最常诉说的心理问题,都是关于忧郁及睡眠的问题。This is really a good news. Because that means people never feel shamed for asking help, the questions are oftenly caused by dejection and sleeping issue.

利用流体计算软件STAR-CD对模型进行了稳态计算,得到了反应器内不同混合气体组分体积含量的分布情况。The software STAR-CD was used for a numerical simulation and the volume distributions of various gas components along the axial dejection of reformer were obtained.

古民居鳞次栉比,虽历经风雨,渐显颓唐,甚至许多房屋只余下断壁残垣,却仍让游者深感其往日的辉煌。Row upon row ancient residential areas reveal its dejection after storm and many houses left the rubble and debris only, but tourists still can tell its glorious past.