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的答复导航台是好的。The response of the navigational pads is good.

海图标绘仪能执行许多种导航任务。Chartplotters can perform many navigational tasks.

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本船配备有标准助航设备。She is equipped with standard navigational equipment.

我相信你那出色的航海技术。I have faith in your reconciliatory navigational skills.

把你们的导航收发器调到这些坐标上来。Set your navigational transceivers to those coordinates.

GPS导航系统可以突显道路上的危险物。A GPS navigational system can highlight danger on the road.

从航海的观点看来,这种舆图几乎是没有用处的。From a navigational point of view, they were almost useless.

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额外的导航设备在美国三月-酮直升机可选的。Extra navigational equipment optional on US mar-ket helicopters.

指南针在中国古代广泛应用于航海。The compass was widely used in ancient China for navigational purposes.

禁止损坏助航标志和导航设施。It shall be forbidden to damage navigation aids or navigational facilities.

现在导航路径提供了一条由搜索到购买的直线。The navigational path now provides a straight line from search through purchase.

科学家们对动物的这种导航绝技却是孤陋寡闻的。Scientists actually know little about how animals perform their navigational feats.

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陀螺仪用于船舶、飞机和宇宙飞船中的导航设备。Gyroscopes are used in navigational instruments for ships, aircraft, and spacecraft.

三峡工程可以改善长江上游航道的通航条件。It can improve the navigational condition of the upper reaches of the Yangtze River.

它允许程序员方便地查询和修改导航状态信息。It enables the programmer to easily query and modify navigational state information.

而且,他们只能在没有指令舱导航设备的情况下完成这一动作。And they had to make this move without the navigational equipment in the command module.

在日本,具有特定导航能力的汽车已经有一百万辆之多。In Japan there are already over a million cars with some type of navigational capability.

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对此,提出了改善引航道口门区通航水流条件的几种不同措施。Therefore, various designs are proposed for improving navigational conditions in the area.

因此,在本研究中,主要对鹿鼠多种能力中的这种导航能力进行了实验室评价。It was these navigational skills, among others, that were tested in the laboratory setting.

一个节点只是在它拥有子代,而且其导航状态被设置成展开时,该节点才可以展开。A node can only be expanded if it has children and its navigational state is set to expanded.