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城市的无节制扩张侵占了东部的良田。Urban sprawl is paving over fertile land in the East.

我无法将她从蔓延的玫瑰花展上拉开。I couldn’t tear her away from the sprawl of rose displays.

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苹果树乌黑、虬曲的枝条因未经修剪而恣意蔓生。The tree's dark twisted branches sprawl in unpruned abandon.

然而,中国大多数城市的发展模式都是四处扩张型的。The pattern in most Chinese cities, however, is one of sprawl.

我们发现两大远足行径距市中心仅需几分钟。We discovered two great hikes only minutes from the downtown sprawl.

它有着超过100公顷演播室和办公室面积,并且还在扩张。Its studios and offices sprawl over 100 acres and continue to expand.

此作是第一部“塞伯朋克”作品,同时也是系列作品的第一部。Cyberpunk's first defining work and the first of Gibson's Sprawl books.

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网际庞克第一次被提出的著作,也是吉布森众多作品的第一部。Cyberpunk's first defining work and the first of Gibson's Sprawl books.

阳光和煦,我们心满意足地趴在草丛里,看风筝在天上欢跃。Satisfied, sun-warmed, we sprawl in the grass and watch our kites cavort.

公司扩张吸引管理层,转移资源和扰乱估价。Corporate sprawl distracts managers, diverts resources and muddies valuations.

现代鳄鱼则用肚子爬行,因为它们的腿伸展到了身体两侧。Modern crocodiles crawl on their bellies because their legs sprawl out to the side.

工业用地是小城镇用地扩张的主体,它具有带动性和先导性。Industrial land sprawl, affective and leading, is the main body of land sprawl of small town.

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封闭社区的急剧蔓延对城市社会空间结构产生了诸多的影响。The rapid sprawl of gated community has put great influences on urban society-space structure.

沙丘沿着巴西东北部海岸蔓延,有时会往内陆扩展数公里。Sand dunes sprawl along the coast of northeastern Brazil, sometimes extending kilometers inland.

风蚀刻出来的沙丘蜿蜒穿过位于纳米比亚纳米布沙漠的色斯林和索苏斯韦雷沙丘地区。Wind-sculpted dunes sprawl across the Sesriem and Sossusvlei dune area in Namibia's Namib Desert.

政府既想把这块地开发成城市聚居区,又想把它变成钓鱼、游泳、跑步的场所。The government wanted to use it not only for urban sprawl but also for ?shing, swimming, and jogging.

假如星系团内的星系是大都会的城市核心,这气体便是散漫无章的延伸郊区。If the galaxies within a cluster are the urban cores of the megacity , this gas is the suburban sprawl.

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加州橘郡郊区占地广阔、阳光充足,不少金融骗局都在这里发生。The glitzy suburban sprawl of Orange County, Calif., is home to more than its share of financial scams.

马斯达尔不像迪拜或阿布扎比一样随意向上或往外扩展,它就像一个完整古老的阿拉伯城市。Unlike the upward and outward sprawl of Dubai or Abu Dhabi, Masdar is compact like ancient Arab cities.

阿拉斯加托吉克国家野生动物保护区,数千头懒散的大西洋海象占居了一大片地区。A sprawl of thousands of Atlantic walruses covers a haul-out site in Alaska's Togiak National Wildlife Refuge.