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验证手机结构密闭性。Validate the frame obturation of the handset.

林怀民感受得到这种开放与封闭间的交战。Lin Huaimin could felt this minitance between open and obturation as well.

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风、火、痰、瘀等浊邪合而为患,闭塞脑窍,而致中风。The collection of wind, fire, phlegm and stasis leads to obturation of brain and stroke.

试尖是检查根管预备效果及保障根管充填质量的较好方法。The quality of obturation was analyzed based on with and without testing the trial point.

本报告则是提出口腔癌术后软颚缺损以闭塞器进行赝复之病例报告。This article presents a case of the reconstruction of a soft palate defect by prosthetic obturation.

改进了密封装置,即用橡胶密封圈和石棉盘根双重密封。Moreover, the obturation equipment was greatly improved, by using both rubber and asbestos to seal up.

高膛压闭气机构的设计原则是避免构件发生塑性变形。Design principle of Obturation mechanism in high pressure is to avoid structural component from plastic deformation.

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同时也讨论现有治疗胃静脉曲张出血的疗法与内视镜组织黏胶阻断的功效及其安全性。The available therapies for GVB and the efficacy and safety of endoscopic tissue glue obturation are also discussed.

单晶炉炉室真空密闭性能是衡量单晶炉设备性能好坏的重要因素。The obturation of vacuum in the crystal grower is one of the most important factors to judge the equipment capability.

在静态密闭响应下,探讨了大甸子井气压效应的物理过程和机理。To discuss the physics course and mechanism of Dadianzi well' s barometric effect in static state obturation response.

我们报告一例以内视镜组织黏胶注射成功治疗怀孕时发生胃静脉曲张出血的病患。We report a first case of GVB in pregnancy in which endoscopic tissue glue obturation successfully controlled the bleeding.

犹太民族的“贱民”身份以及因自我封闭而导致的极端孤立的现实处境,又进一步强化了卡夫卡内心的自卑意识。The reality of the extreme isolation due to "ragtag status" of Jewry and self obturation reinforced his inward self abasement.

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目的探讨根管治疗术中根管充填的护理方法,以提高根管治疗的效率和质量。Objective To explore the nursing methods during canal obturation in order to improve efficiency and quality of root canal therapy.

本机是最新一代专用于废纸脱墨制浆的全封闭式多级浮选脱墨设备。The equipment is an up-to-date full obturation type multilevel floatation deinking equipment for specially using in deinking of waste paper.

单晶炉炉室壳体密闭性是衡量单晶炉设备性能好坏的重要因素。The obturation character in crystal grower's chamber is one of the most important factors to judge the equipment's reliability and capability.

动态平衡短流程循环零排放技术,使纸机抄造系统实现了白水封闭循环、同时也给纸机湿部带来诸多问题。It is the tendency that the continuing development of paper making will come out via the cleaning processes of reuse of white water obturation.

内视镜组织黏胶阻断是胃静脉曲张出血时内视镜治疗的第一选择,但是它潜在有栓塞、感染与巨大溃疡的风险。Endoscopic tissue glue obturation is the first choice of endoscopic therapy for GVB but it carries a risk of embolization, infection and huge ulceration.

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以研究对象“封闭化”为特征的传统法制现代化研究已经无法适应全球化的趋势。The modernization of traditional legal system, characterized by the obturation of its research subject, can no longer keep up with the trend of globalization.

中东经济民族主义在维护自身权益、发展经济以及争夺地区霸主地位的同时,也体现了某种狭隘性和自我封闭性。While protecting its own rights, developing economy and fighting for regional hegemony, economic nationalism in the Middle East shows parochiality and obturation.

特别注重对大门、材车的特殊设计以保证干燥机的保温、密闭及单板在干燥过程中的平整。In this drawing, the door and the pallets were paid more attention, in order to keep the kiln's temperature and its obturation as well as the flat of the dried veneer.