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未分配盈余将被忽略。Undistributed earnings are ignored.

剩余的未分配利润结转到下一年度。Remaining undistributed profit carried forward to next year.

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由此造成初期未分配利润的正数,按正常的利润分配制度执行。The resulting initial undistributed profits of a few is normal profit distribution system.

此外,未分配的利润不能从税务目的转让价格中扣除。Further, undistributed profits cannot be deducted from the transfer price for tax purposes.

由此造成期初未分配利润的负数,按照本通知第三条处理。The resulting negative opening undistributed profits, according to Article 3 of this notice.

此前会计年度未分配的利润可与当前会计年度的利润一起分配。专职翻译!Any undistributed profit from previous year may be distributed with the profits of the current year.

参加投票所需的身份证,在选举前不久还有二十五万张没有发到选民手中。Some 250,000 identity cards, required for voting, remained undistributed shortly before the election.

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我们更喜欢“经济”盈利的概念,包括了所有的未分配利润,而不论我们拥有的百分比是多少。We prefer a concept of "economic" earnings that includes all undistributed earnings, regardless of ownership percentage.

投入资本,资本公积金、余公积金和未分配利润的各个项目,应当在会计报表中分列列示。Invested capital, capital reserve, surplus reserve and undistributed profit shall be shown by items in accounting statement.

实际上,存款余额的快速增长多来自于中国企业的未分配利润。In fact, most of the rapid increase in surplus savings has come from the Chinese corporate sector in the form of undistributed profits.

极具争议的企业未分配利润税,因限制投资热情,被大幅削减并最终于1939年废除。The fiercely controversial undistributed profits tax, which was retarding investment, was drastically reduced and then eliminated in 1939.

核心资本包括实收资本或普通股、资本公积、盈余公积、未分配利润和少数股权。The core capital includes the paid-up capital or common stocks, capital reserves, surplus reserves, undistributed profits and minority interests.

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内容提要大部分国有企业利润本质上是垄断利润,国有企业未分配利润是国有企业管理者支配的富余现金流量。A great part of state-owned enterprises' profit is from monopoly in essential, and the undistributed profit is free cash flow which is controlled by managers.

采用原状土柱进行模拟淋溶实验,比较研究了模拟酸雨和几种低分子量有机酸对红壤交换性盐基的影响。Effects of leaching with simulated acid rain and low molecular weight organic acids on exchangeable bases of red soil were investigated using undistributed soil columns.

期待改以财务所得计算之未分配盈馀加徵制度可以减缓原采课税所得计算所造成之不利现象。We expect the calculation basis of Additional 10 Surtax on Undistributed Retained Earnings based on the financial income will be able to slow down the disadvantage phenomenon.

企业重组中清查出的资产损失,经批准后依次冲减未分配利润、盈余公积、资本公积和实收资本。The asset losses uncovered in the reorganization of the enterprise shall be offset with the undistributed profits, surplus reserve, capital reserve and paid-in capital in turn.

股份制企业的公积金、公益金和未分配利润中,国家或者国有企业按照投资比例所占有的相应份额。In reserve fund, public welfare fund and undistributed profit in the joint stock enterprise, the corresponding portion held by the State or State-owned enterprise to its investment.

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企业重组中清查出的资产损失,经批准后依次冲减未分配利润、盈余公积、资本公积和实收资本。?。The asset losses checked in the reorganization of the enterprise shall, upon approval, be offset with the undistributed profits, surplus reserve, capital reserve and paid-in capital in turn.