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人人都需要在郊区有一个温馨的家。Everyone needs a lovely home in suburbia.

我们住在郊区,有两个小孩。We live in suburbia. We have two small children.

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白色的卡车在乡间街道上飞驰。The white truck hurtled down the streets of suburbia.

夏日郊区的景致与声音扑面而来。The sights and sounds of summer suburbia assaulted me.

但对许多生活在郊区的人而言,如今现实则荒凉、阴郁、暗淡得多。But for many living in suburbia today, the reality is much bleaker.

贫困化本已加剧的郊区反过来又推动了经济的下行。The downturn also shifted where in suburbia poverty was intensifying.

故事描述发生在一个都市中产家庭的一个寻常夜。The story is about an unremarkable family evening in middle-class suburbia.

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可能一些在郊区生活中聪明的人到了荒郊野岭就变成为一无所能。Maybe someone who is intelligent in suburbia might be stupid in the wilderness.

“美国都市郊区和农村之间存在着真正差别。”奥尔德里奇说。There is a real difference between suburbia and rural America, " says Aldrich ."

片中德普饰演了一个生活在郊外的怪人,他精湛的演技也使得该片成为经典。Depp’s faultless performance as a freak in suburbia made the film a modern classic.

新的郊区将更为环保,我们称其为“绿色市郊”。The new suburbia will be far more environmentally friendly—what I call “greenurbia.”

当我在写这篇专栏时,正待在克鲁格婶婶地处英国荒郊野外的家里。I'm writing this in my Aunt Gertrude's house in the wilderness that is British suburbia.

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第二次世界大战以来,北丽人投资新财富越来越多的郊区。Since World War II North Americans have invested much of their newfound wealth in suburbia.

举个例子,每年,我把从住在郊区的中产阶级那儿收集到的衣物捐给穷人。As an example, consider that from middle-class suburbia I donate clothes to the poor every year.

中国决策者们很清楚,他们不能像美国那样任郊区随意蔓延。Chinese planners know that they do not have the land to build sprawling suburbia like America’s.

尼伯恩说,到2005年的时候,各大城市的郊区已经变成贫困居民最集中的区域。Suburbia became home to the greatest concentration of impoverished residents by 2005, Kneebone said.

所谓郊区就是开发者们把树推倒了,然后以他们自己的名字命名那些新街道的地方。Suburbia is where the developer bulldozes out the trees, then names the streets after them. — Bill Vaughn

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通常,它会在一片废墟的市中心,但这一次,它在曾经蓬勃发展的南加州郊区。It is not, as might be expected, in a blighted city center, but in the once-booming suburbia of Southern California.

他们认为“城市是属于交通的”,他们还认为要用宽大的高速公路把向四处延伸的郊区接连起来。They believed that "cities are for traffic" and their vision was a sprawling suburbia linked by huge, broad expressways.

很自然地,我痛恨电视台对“出麻烦的郊区”的“狂轰滥造”的报道,或者任何他们急中生智想出来的类似“可爱”的绰号。I naturally hated television's "team coverage" of "suburbia gone wrong" or whatever similar cute moniker they came up with.