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本组无手术死亡,未发生髋内翻。No death and no coxa vara occurred.

侧卧,让头、肩、髋在一条直线上。Side lies, let head, shoulder, coxa go up point-blank in.

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主要临床表现为身材矮小和典型的髋内翻畸形。The main clinical features are short stature and a typical coxa vara deformity.

拉丁对女性锻炼腰部、髋部特别有好处。Latin exercises ministry of the waist, coxa to have profit particularly to the female.

做全髋置换术的特殊材料需要多少钱?How many money does the special material that makes art of complete coxa displacement need?

且常伴有先天性髋内翻、坐耻骨发育不全、脊柱裂以及儿童腕骨发育滞迟等。They were often accompanied by congenital coxa vara ischium and pubis hypoplasia spinal bifida or child carpale stunt.

肩、髋、肋椎、胸骨柄等关节和耻骨联合也常被累及。The joint such as vertebra of shoulder, coxa , costal region, sternal handle and pubic combination also constant by drag in.

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探讨Y型截骨、鹅头钢板内固定治疗先天性髋内翻。To investigate Y-shaped osteotomy and the internal fixation with geese-head steel plates for treatment of congenital coxa vara.

但无论如何治疗均无法阻止患儿成年后出现扁平髋畸形和髋关节退行改变,导致髋关节功能障碍。Anyway, no treatment could stop the progress of coxa plana and degeneration of the bone, which could lead to disorder of the hip.

该动作对腿、臀、髋、腰、脊等相关部位的肌肉皆有强化作用。The muscle that should use the relevant position such as oppose leg, buttock, coxa , waist, backbone all has aggrandizement effect.

本文报道儿麻后遗髋关节半脱位和髋外翻畸形14例,男性5例,女性9例。Among 14 cases of subluxation of the hip and coxa valgus caused by poliomyelitic paralysis, 5 cases were males and 9 cases were females.

目的比较全髋关节置换术与骨折内固定术治疗中老年股骨颈骨折的疗效。Objective To compare the curative effect of coxa replacement and internal fixation of fracture for middle-aged displaced fracture of neck of femur.

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结果在DHS组中发生髋内翻畸形3例,在外固定组中有4例,外固定组中有17例发现膝关节僵硬。Results There were 3 coxa vara patients in the DHS and 4 in the external fixation, and 17 cases of knee stiffness were found in the external fixation.

许多研究表明,现代短跑途中跑技术更强调的是“快速伸髋”和“积极着地”技术。With indicating much study, we even ascensive technique of extending coxa speediness and touchdown actively in the period of running of modern sprint.

可先做摆臂、摆腿、弯腰、转体、下蹲及其它体操动作,特别要注意活动髋、膝踝关节。Can make move about arm first, place a leg, bow, turn, next crouching reach other gymnastics action, should notice gambrel of mobile coxa , genu particularly.

跌倒后的损伤有较轻的划伤、擦伤和更严重的损伤,如常见的导致功能活动严重受损的髋部骨折。The injury after falling has smaller cut, abrade and more severe loss, the coxa ministry fracture that if cause functional activity commonly, is damaged badly.

病变主要影响负重关节,如膝、髋、腰椎等处,其他小关节也能逐渐被波及。Pathological changes basically is affected load articulatory, be like the place such as genu, coxa , lumbar, other small key links also can be affected gradually.

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侧面头顶球击球力量主要的影响因素有头部线加速度、后髋角加速度和颈部角加速度。In the side header, head's linear acceleration, the back coxa angular acceleration and neck angular acceleration are the main factors that affect the force of heading.

不正确的弯腰拾物姿势是双腿伸直站立,在不屈曲或少屈曲髋、膝关节的情况下弯腰拾东西。Bow the pose that pick up content is double leg unbend stands incorrectly, bow below the circumstance of castiron music or little inflectional coxa , knee joint pick up a thing.

第四节,屈臀屈髋,双手抱膝,尽量使大腿紧贴胸部,使腰背部成半圆形,然后前后滚动。The 4th, bend buttock to bend coxa , both hands holds genu in the arms, make ham clingy as far as possible bosom, make the small of the back becomes hemicycle, next around scroll.