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鼻腔阻塞。obstructed nasal passageway.

谁锁住了黄金水道?。Who Locks the Golden Passageway?

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我有那个密道的钥匙。I have the key to this passageway.

如果看到左边有通道,就向左转。If you see a passageway to your left, turn left.

这是数据传输的主要通道。This is the main passageway through which data travels.

那座险峻的山上只有一条羊肠小道。There is only one narrow passageway up the steep mountain.

矿井中连接两条大隧道的小巷道。A secondary mine passageway between two main shafts or tunnels.

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她的平台升得越来越高,直向通道飞去。Her platform was going higher and higher to another passageway.

问题是密道的大门被锁得比贞操带还紧,有些甚至封死了。The problem is that the passageway is blocked by several locked doors.

如果没有什么要申报的,请走绿色通道。If you have nothing to declare, please go through the green passageway.

海上死难者的灵魂将乘着水路被保驾护航。Ghosts of Lost Souls at Sea to be Shepherded Through the Watery Passageway.

最近在诺丁山地铁站的这些老式电梯的走廊里发现了一些当时的海报。Recent work at the station revealed these posters in the old lift passageway.

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罗宾诺维茨挤过在医务室门外阻塞了通道的长队。Robinovitz pushed past the queue jamming the passageway outside the infirmary.

购物大街已经变成了这些布满百叶窗的店铺间阴沉的过道。The main shopping street had become a glum passageway of shuttered storefronts.

不能保障疏散通道、安全出口畅通的。Those who do not guarantee the evacuation passageway and safety exist unblocked.

通道連接港铁柴湾站各出入口。The passageway connecting with various entrances and exits of Chai Wan MTR Station.

三层有个连接两座楼的封闭过道。There is an enclosed passageway on the third floor that connects the two buildings.

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它好像包含有一条中央通道和多个从岩石中凿出的内庭。It appears to contain a central passageway and multiple chambers excavated from rock.

同时两个石塔矗立在雕像之后,组成了通往雕像的游人通道,这便是绝望之山。Two mounds set behind him, form a passageway to the statue, are mountains of despair.

西伯利亚大铁路是连接欧俄与远东的现代化通道。Trans-Siberian Railroad is a modernized passageway joining Europe-Russia and Far East.