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但这样做的政治难度似乎高得惊人。But the politics look formidably difficult.

那堆羊皮纸高的惊人。The pile of parchments was formidably high.

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从未有重量级拳手可以如此完美地将两者结合在一起。No heavyweight combined the two assets so formidably.

看在人眼中,便形成极为可怕地光景。See in the person's eyes, then formation extremely ugg formidably scene.

而帝国主义者也总是喜欢以自己的强大来吓唬人的。And the imperialist always also likes to come formidably with his of gally person.

但是美国的大学体系仍然是拥有最强资金的研发机构。But the US university system remains a formidably well-funded generator of research.

她和莱纳德结婚时,精力极其充沛的婆婆雅诗,请她加入家族公司。When she and Leonard married, she was asked to join the family firm by her formidably dynamic mother-in-law, Estée.

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法官,一个令人生畏重功能的人,卷起他的黑色长袍,好像在身体责备两个站在板凳前,年轻男子的衣袖。The judge, a formidably heavy-featured man, rolled up the sleeves of his black robe as if to physically chastise the two young men standing before the bench.

冬季可怕的零度以下严寒没有吓到Lars和他的捕蟹队,他们经常从Zodiac充气船的一侧潜入水中25米深以寻找螃蟹。Undeterred by formidably sub-zero winter temperatures, Lars and his crab safari team regularly dive off the side of an inflatable Zodiac to a depth of 25 metres in search of crabs.

农业是苏联国民经济中的薄弱环节,长期处于停滞不前的状态,并成为苏联社会健康发展的严重障碍。Agriculture had been one of the weak links of national economy in former Soviet Union. And it had remained stagnant for a long time, formidably impeding the proper development of Soviet society.