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她离家后给我来过一次电话。She has rung me once since she left.

思考占居最高的阶梯。The reason occupies the highest rung.

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许多政治家也敲过钟。Many politicians have also rung the bell.

甚至连独立大厅的钟也敲响了。Even the bell in Independence Hall was rung.

那时敲响教堂的钟作为水灾的警号。The church bells were rung as flood warning.

韩国首都首尔,人们敲响了一口硕大的钟。In Seoul, South Korea, a giant bell was rung.

许多著名运动员敲过纽交所的钟。Many famous athletes have rung the NYSE bell.

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以前发生灾祸时教堂都要敲钟。The church bell used to be rung to signify disaster.

世界历史上一个新纪元的序幕揭开了。The curtain was rung up on a new epoch in world history.

亨利打了铃,我走向讲台。After Henry had rung the bell, I approached the platform.

祸根海姆的事一定让你回想起什么。What happened at Hockenheim must have rung bells with you.

我犯了个错误。刚给他们打完电话我就意识到了。It was a mistake. I realized it as soon as I had rung them.

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失业可能会把许多移民推至社会最底层。Unemployment can push many to the bottom rung of societies.

但如今,21岁的苏盈盈还不知道她能否迈出这一步。But now Su, 21, is wondering whether she can reach the next rung.

在我的过程范围阶梯的第三档是项目范围。On the third rung of our process scope ladder is the project scope.

铃声一响,有人去吩咐保姆把婴儿从楼上抱下来。The bell is rung and somebody sent to tell nurse to bring baby down.

“滚开!”他大声叫道,提起了双脚,搁在椅子下面的横档上。"Get out! " he exclaimed, lifting His feet to the rung of the chair.

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但在一八四六年华盛顿诞辰被敲响时,它裂到无法修补了。But it cracked irreparably when rung for Washington's birthday in 1846.

工具房的一阶梯子缺了一个角,存在安全隐患。A damaged ladder rung in the tool storage room poses certain safety risk.

它的瓜果喂养了纳米比亚境内食物链上的各种动物。Nara melon, is a staple of Namib species at every rung of the food chain.