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研究结果可为电解锰渣的建材资源化利用提供有益参考。The results can help to provide a useful reference to use EMR as building materials.

浸取剂的酸碱性是影响电解锰渣浸出毒性的主要因素。The pH value of the leaching agent is main factor affecting the leaching toxicity of EMR.

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另外,本文使用智能文档作为电子病历编辑器,有效解决了实现电子病历系统的又一难题。In addition, this thesis use Smart Document as EMR editor, solves another problem of EMRS.

结论EMR可有效改善高压电损伤后局部组织血液流变学高黏状态。Conclusion EMR treatment can improve the high agglutination state of blood flow distinctly.

该网络化智能传感器由舱外自由移动机器人手爪、嵌入式网络模块和数据采集电路等组成。It is composed of the EMR gripper, the embedded network module and the data sampling circuit.

了解如何可以让您的实践的环境管理软件的费用由联邦刺激包为这里!Read how you can have your practice's EMR software paid for by the Federal Stimulus Package here!

她告诉医生电子病历登陆的密码,允许其查看她的病史。She gave the physician electronic permission to view her EMR so he could see her medical history.

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图11总结了这种低采用率的原因,并显示了SOA可以如何帮助增进EMR的采用。Figure 11 summarizes the reasons for this low adoption rate and shows how SOA can help increase EMR adoption.

由于EMR读取头用的是非磁性材料,所以不会受到磁杂讯的限制。Because read heads based on EMR use nonmagnetic materials, they would not suffer from magnetic noise limitations.

作为一位在多个医疗机构工作的医务人员,我接触过至少六种不同的电子病历系统。As a health care provider working in multiple health care systems, I deal with at least six different EMR systems.

技术上,我们必须设计出现有技术就能制造的可用奈米EMR结构。Technologically , one must design a workable EMR nanostructure that can be fabricated using convenient techniques.

同时,医院里安装电子病案系统和病案管理信息化的进程正在不断加快。In addition, hospitals implementing EMR and digitalizing medical information management process have been increasing.

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电子病历系统的建立是医院实施以病人为中心的新一代医院管理信息系统的核心。The kernel of a late-model Hospital Information system based on the clinic Information of patient is to establish EMR.

研究了高模量碳纤维复合材料结构的电磁铆接工艺。We have to find out how to do EMR successfully without causing damage in high modulus carbon fiber composites structure.

此系统可以结合我院已有的各种心电设备形成高效的无纸化心电信息网络,从而实现患者各类心电图院内共享,院外实现远程诊断的功能。ECG-NIS can build a EMR system with current ECG device in our hospital, and make the data share and remote diagnosis come true.

研制了基于嵌入式网络模块的网络化智能传感器,用于舱外自由移动机器人手爪传感器的数据采集和远程监控。A networked smart sensor based on an embedded network module for EMR grippers is developed for data sampling, fusion and transmission.

在黏膜下层癌患者中,8例在食管切除术中发现在EMR部位有肿瘤组织残余,5例有远处淋巴结转移。In patients with submucosal carcinoma, 8 had residual carcinoma at the EMR site at surgery and 5 patients had metastatic lymphadenopathy.

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当初导致发现EMR现象的幸运之神,在制作可用的奈米装置原型时再度降临了!Serendipity , which led to the original discovery of the EMR phenomenon, was repeated in the process of fabricating a viable nanoscopic prototype!

德国汉堡大学的昆德勒及其同事,也曾对砷化铟–属混合结构的EMR做过广泛的研究。Dirk Grundler and his colleagues at Hamburg University in Germany have carried out extensive studies of EMR in indium arsenide-metal hybrid structures.

了解POSP和如何支持与财政支持,变管理为服务,数据迁移和保留选项您的电子病历过渡。Learn about POSP and how it can support your EMR transition with financial support, change management services, and data migration and retention options.