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这次您正在使一个文本元素产生动画效果。This time you are animating a text element.

因为我的身体是被同一个灵魂赋予生命的。Because it's the very same soul animating my body,or what have you.

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针对全球经济和国内政治局势,本论文对此富有启发性。This thesis is animating both global economics and domestic politics.

一旦该园艺被完整处理过,便可以开始活化仪式。Once the topiary is properly treated, the animating ritual can commence.

在一分钟内这个涡流会从水层的表面扩展到槽底,带动了整个水槽里的水。In a minute the whirl extends from surface to drain, animating the whole basin.

在场景已经看起来不错后,你就可以开始制作发射炮弹的动画。After the scene is looking good, you can work on animating the firing a cannonball.

这成了他创造索伦的动力,这个发动战争的巫师是中土世界最大的敌人。This is the force animating Sauron, the sorcerer-warlord and great enemy of Middle-earth.

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这是一个大量的工作,但是您的努力,也就是说,生动活泼的他将尽可能容易。It was a lot of work, but your effort means that animating him will be as easy as possible.

联合国宪章是我们这个伟大机构的精神象征。The Charter of the United Nations is the animating spirit and soul of our great institution.

这个工具是如果你决定改变影格数目或者哪一个群组在路径上移动。This tool is if you decide to change the number of frames or what group is animating on the path.

000年后会有人带有和你一样的灵魂,驱动着另一个身体。In 1,000 years there'll be somebody that has the very same soul that's animating my body right now.

通过水平式地为每一行显示额外的信息,让表格动起来,效果会很明显。Animating a table by displaying additional information for each row — row by row — can be effective.

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我们依然固执的坚持认为,在生物机器上会附着一个有生命的灵魂,一个精神鬼魂的观点。We still cling stubbornly to the idea of an animating soul, a spiritual ghost in the biological machine.

从一个动画片段拷贝一系列桢到另一个动画片断,这在为新添加的骨骼制作动画时特别有效。Redistributes a set of keys from one sequence to another. This can be useful for animating newly-added bones.

但历史学家将把下周的失败视作世贸组织开始失去经济推进功用的转折点。But historians could still see failure next week as the moment when the WTO started to lose its animating force.

去年,他开始制作他一直梦寐以求的动画作品-----把他最喜欢的中国传统神话制作成动画片,并搬上银幕。Late last year he started on his lifes work- animating one of Chinas most loved fairy tales for the silver screen.

虽然海地的图书馆建筑遭到毁坏,但是图书馆员的精神仍然蓬勃旺盛。Although the buildings in Haiti housing the libraries were destroyed, the spirit animating Haitian librarians was not.

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本文首先论叙做动画中动作设计的基础,动作设计的概念、过程与作用。This paper firstly concerning Syria in the animating movement design based, action design concept, process and function.

在使用中,咖啡馆的座位可以泄漏出占领各级梯田,生动活泼周围的公共空间。In use, the cafe seating can spill out to occupy the various levels of the terracing , animating the public space around.

这就是为什么鸦片类毒品产生极乐的麻木感,而可卡因和安非他命则带来极度兴奋的感觉。This is why the opiate drugs induce a kind of blissful stupor so different from the animating effect of cocaine and amphetamines.