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把缸扣过来。Turn the vat upside down.

我们算出的是32.95英镑,其中包括增值税。We reckon £32.95. Including VAT.

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他找来一块石头,用力砸破水缸。He found a rock and broke the vat.

大象好像一只大水缸。The elephant resembles a water vat.

他们在染缸中浸染织品。They dipped the fabric in a vat of dye.

金税工程布下增值税“生命线”。Golden tax project "lifeline" hooks VAT.

同时,确认应纳增值税额。At the same time, confirm the VAT payable.

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但是他们并不理解增值税的运行原理。But they do not understand how a VAT works.

叔叔皮特上个星期掉到装威士忌的大桶里。Uncle Pete fell in a whiskey vat last week.

或者你想看看把鱼放在一大桶的辣椒油里面煮是什么样子吗?Or craving fish cooked in a vat of chili oil?

染缸里找不到白布。You cannot draw white cloth from a dying vat.

此外,增值税的上升也将推高通货膨胀率。Moreover, the rise in VAT will push up inflation.

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价格是每晚二十五镑每晚,含增殖税。The price is twenty-five pounds a night, plus VAT.

碎石嘎吱作响,有人绕到这只染缸这儿来了。A crunch in the gravel, and someone rounded the vat.

记得吗,你使我掉退化学池里。Remember, you dropped me into that vat of chemicals.

那一大桶燕麦粥在电炉上扑哧扑哧作响。The vat of oatmeal stood gasping on the electric range.

你以为我是染缸啊,跟谁都有染。Do you think I am the vat with anyone, having an affair.

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他父亲把一袋袋发霉的黑面包倒进大桶里。His father emptied sacks of stale rye bread into the vat.

砰地一声,贺喜往后倒进了桶内。Bump. Clunk. Ker-plop! Hershey fell backward into the vat.

染缸是印染行业中的关键设备之一。Dye vat is a key equipment in printing and dyeing industry.