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莫雅点点头。Maura nodded.

青锋莫雅转过身来,面对活着的强盗。Then Maura Bright-Blade turned to face the living bandits.

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“碇泊区”是指美国导演会,她的名字是莫拉凯利。"DGA" means the Directors' Guild of America, and her name is Maura Kelly.

他是一名肿瘤学和流行病学的教授。Maura Gillison, a professor of oncology and epidemiology, said in a telephone interview.

问题是,毛拉“认为”她的顺从,但所有她曾经做的是发挥它。The problem is that Maura "thinks" she's submissive, but all she's ever done is play with it.

幸运的是,Maura拥有一根生命线——一群定期聚会讨论生活的女性朋友。Fortunately, Maura had a lifeline-a group of women friends who meet regularly to discuss their lives.

莱斯利是亨利和毛拉康斯坦茨在阿灵顿免费诊所的阿灵顿,弗吉尼亚州护士执业。Leslie Henry and Maura Constance are nurse practitioners at the Arlington Free Clinic in Arlington, Virginia.

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只有墙壁上挂剑的地方空空如也。他的剑,莫雅。Except for the empty place on the wall, the place where his sword had once hung, the sword that had been Maura.

同时,简试图隐瞒她怀孕的母亲从她的八卦,毛拉和弗兰基面对他们的吻的后果。Meanwhile, Jane tries to hide her pregnancy from her nosy mother, and Maura and Frankie face the fallout from their kiss.

该慈善团体的政策和公共事务主管毛拉吉莱斯皮表明,这些课程和孩童在学校学的其它事一样重要。The charity's head of policy and public affairs, Maura Gillespie, argued that these lessons would be as important as anything else children learnt at school.

在美国,日趋萧条的经济导致接受隆胸手术的女性人数大幅减少,作者Maura则认为,小点的罩杯对这个国家反而有益,以下是她的观点。The sagging economy has triggered a sharp decline in the number of women getting breast implants. Maura Moynihan on why a smaller cup size is good for America.

“我们确保我们符合或超过食品安全中所有的方针和规定,”莫拉托比亚斯,一个Friendly公司的发言人,在一个电子邮件中说言。“We ensure that we meet or exceed all guidelines and regulations for food preparation and safety, ” Maura Tobias, a spokeswoman for Friendly’s, said in an e-mailed statement.