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美军最先进的超级武器已然在北京的卧榻之旁悄然露面。A new class of U.S. superweapon had suddenly surfaced nearby.

空间裂缝发生器是战斗中直接使用的最有效的超武。The Rift Generator is the most effective superweapon to use in direct combat.

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超级武器科雷利亚中端站的一次误击几乎摧毁了海皮斯舰队。A misfiring of the Corellian Centerpoint Station superweapon decimated the Hapan fleet.

在雅汶之战四年后叛军进攻第二死星期间,泰希克正在这件超级武器上。Teshik was present aboard the second Death Star during the Rebellion's attack on the superweapon in 4 ABY.

假如游戏玩家你早早地建造了超级游戏装备武器,游戏玩家你最好坚守阵地直到它充能完毕。If you build a superweapon early on, it can sometimes be better to hold your ground and wait until it is charged.

在了解死星的唯一弱点下,联军战机飞行员呼啸著冲向帝国超级武器,即为亚汶之役的开始。Armed with knowledge of the Death Stars sole weakness, Alliance starfighter pilots soared toward the Imperial superweapon.

人们发现有几名帝国高官唆使星区总督塔金凭借那个超级武器攥取绝对权力,格里贾特斯也是其中之一。Greejatus was one of several Imperial officers discovered to have goaded Moff Tarkin into seizing absolute power with the superweapon.

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在你的对手看到你建造了超武后,他可能不仅想要干掉你的超武,而且会变得更具有进攻性。Your opponent will likely not only try to take out your superweapon when he sees you built one, but will probably be more aggressive overall.

根本同上,只不过这些用于属于该构筑的超等兵器激活的时候有效。Yet again, these tags function exactly like ActiveAnims, except that these are used whenever a superweapon belonging to the building is activated.

建造超级武器得最佳时机,通常是战争陷入僵持状态得时候,当然Nod神殿得电脑Computer对抗能力使它在其祂情况下也非常实用。The best time to build a superweapon is usually in a stalemate, though the Temple of Nod's Master Computer Countermeasures ability can make it useful in other situations.

如果你用充能好的超武配合攻击的话,当敌人试图防御你的攻击时,他们的部队会被你轻而易举的消灭,你只需要在他们的军队上使用超武就可以了。If you attack with a charged superweapon then your opponent's army will be easily wiped out when he tries to defend against you since you can just use the superweapon on his army.

多年来,人们一直称之为气候控制机器、超级武器、终极地下间谍设备,殊不知人工创造极光的实验本身就充满荒诞不经的味道。Over the years, it’s been called a weather-control machine, a superweapon and the ultimate underground spying machine. As if creating artificial aurora borealis wasn’t freaky enough.

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作为其疯狂做法的一部分,达伦用原力将这项超级武器工程的所有知识从奎·克萨克斯的脆弱意识中抹去,以确保不会有另一艘“灭日者”出现。As part of his maddened vigilantism, Durron ensured that another Sun Crusher would never be built by using the Force to tear all knowledge of the superweapon project from Qwi Xux's vulnerable mind.