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不喜欢,看起来有点太俗艳了…No, it's a little too flashy.

他们是华丽丽的玩意儿,是身份的象征。they are flashy creatures, status symbols.

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这段代码不华丽,但很实用。It's not flashy code, but it's very useful.

他驾驶一辆外表华丽的赛车在镇上兜风。He drove around the town in a flashy sports-car.

他是个巧言令色的人。He is man with artful speech and flashy manners.

鞋子和皮带应不惹眼,不俗气。Shoes and belts should be understated, not flashy.

麦克诺特彗星的超长尾巴将会是一场华丽的展示Comet McNaught's Superlong Tail Promises Flashy Show

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以为跑车,奢华的越野车折价得最多吗?Think sports cars and flashy SUVs depreciate the most?

闪闪发光的铜色,像五月的篝火般闪耀。Sparkly copper, shimmery and flashy like a bonfire in May.

一只大天鹅挥舞着双翅,似乎在炫耀性的展示自己的成功。A whooper spreads its wings in a flashy display of triumph.

他的演出自然、平实,不使用奇特的动物道具。He's not as campy or flashy and doesn't use exotic animals.

她用华而不实的词语奉承我,我不喜欢她的奉承。She flattered me with flashy words. I disliked her flattery.

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如果他能买一辆车,华丽的总比乏味的更适合他的胃口。If he can afford a car, a flashy one is better than a boring one.

这件旗袍很漂亮,但是颜色太鲜艳了。This cheongsam is beautiful but the color seems a bit too flashy.

这个耀眼的捕猎者可以在两秒钟内冲进水里又带着一条鱼返回来。This flashy hunter can dive and return with a fish in two seconds.

广告杀手能屏蔽所有那些烦人的弹出广告。Adblockers get rid of all the flashy ads that can clutter up web pages.

有魅力的乌克兰护士不能浓装艳抹,或者穿暴露的衣服。The attractive Ukrainian nurses wore no flashy makeup or revealing clothes.

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王彬还没有一个明确的戏或角色要演,甚至也没有一个炫耀的名字。Mr. Wang doesn't yet have a defined act or character, or even a flashy name.

出手阔绰的慈善家们随之出现了,比如回收业巨头陈光标。Flashy philanthropists have emerged, like the recycling magnate Chen Guangbiao.

这种书不会教你在股市里怎么闪进闪出或者赌一把什么的。Smart personal finance isn’t about being flashy or gambling in the stock market.