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严谨是工程合同的灵魂。Preciseness is the soul of civil engineering contracts.

该模型具有结构严谨,易于分析的特点。The model has characteristic of preciseness and terseness.

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适应性强,责任心强,译文严谨,良好的团队精神。A man of capability, confidence, preciseness and team-spirit.

独特的测宽装置和比例吹胀,使制品精确更高。Unique mesurement device and scale huff ensures the preciseness of products.

公司已形成“诚信、学习、创新、严谨、高效”的企业文化。Integrity, Study, Creation, preciseness and efficiency are our company culture.

科技翻译以准确、严谨为第一要旨。Both preciseness and restrictiveness are most important in scientific translation.

我最大的特点就是做事细心严谨,喜欢思考问题。My biggest characteristic is chariness and preciseness when working, I like thinking.

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工程合同英语的一切特征都是为了达到严谨性的要求。Their drafters always strive to achieve preciseness in all levels of the English Language.

学习法律培养我的严谨的精神,加强了我的逻辑思维能力。The study of jurisprudence cultivates my preciseness and enhances my ability of logical thinking.

该方法收敛性较好,未知量少,便于实际应用。The method has good preciseness and less unknown variables and it is convenient to be used in practice.

文化价值和人文内涵也禀承了其对文学艺术的严谨追求。The cultural value and humanistic connotation of the play have still shown her preciseness to literary art.

蘸含着款款深情,将爱浪漫传递,用万分真情和严谨打造每一件首饰。Sowing the love, spreading romantic style, honing every piece of jewelry with the truth and the preciseness.

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工作态度端正,认真严谨,努力,有上进心,热情,能承受压力。Possessing proper working attitude, earnest, preciseness , ambition and passion, able to work under pressure.

而文化负载词作为一种特殊的文化现象,对理解和解释的准确性和有效性都提出了新的要求。And culture-loaded words, as a special cultural phenomenon, pose a demanding task for preciseness and effectiveness.

结合该实例,介绍了更精确的计及网络电流的短路电流计算方法。Considering such an example, a calculating method with more preciseness of the short circuit current was introduced.

由于FIDIC条款的科学性,公正性和严谨性,得到国际上的广泛认可和使用。The scientificness, fairness and preciseness of FIDIC clauses has been highly accepted and used all around the world.

工作严谨,较好的沟通能力和团队合作精神,能完全支持相关团队的项目实施。Strict and preciseness working style. Good communication and team work spirit to fully involvement in teams' projects.

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的性质和方向的美,俄对抗,也有待确定,与任何合理的严谨。The nature and the direction of the US-Russian confrontation are yet to be determined with any reasonable preciseness.

如字头以后之字干和字尾如法炮制,将更提升检索之精准性。The preciseness for indexing shall be advanced further if the suffixes and word roots are processed in the same manner.

“经济、社会、环境、创新和透明度等”指标的准确性还有待提高。The preciseness for "economical, social, environmental, innovational and transparency" indexes shall be raised and perfected.