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他是个移居澳大利亚的英国人。He is a British emigrant to Australia.

还是个移民成功的典范。Still be the example of an emigrant success.

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海外华人与福建树兜村的社会变迁的研究。And Social Change in an Emigrant Village in Fujian in Quanzhou, Fujian.

一个贫苦的欧洲移民对一个他一无所有的国家会有什麽感情?What attachment can a poor European emigrant have for a country where he had nothing?

第六章,德、法、英国别移民政策比较。Chapter five shows the policy coordination between the emigrant and immigrant countries.

越来越多的专家相信移民对于城市建设的起到了积极作用。More and more experts believed that emigrant make a difference with city's construction.

可是流浪,会给你另一种视角,使每个移民都成为人类学家和相对主义者。Exile, however, gives perspective, making every emigrant an anthropologist and relativist.

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就在我越来越成熟,成为业务骨干的时候,我选择了移民加拿大。Be in I am more and more mature, when becoming business key member, I chose emigrant Canada.

东晋南朝时代,侨州郡县普遍设置乃至成为一种制度。Emigrant state and county were widely set in the Eastern Jin Dynasty and the Southern Dynasty.

无所事事时,我还开始阅读诗歌,读到一位返乡的爱尔兰移民在垂死时所见的海岸景象。I began idly reading verses describing the shore of Ireland as seen by a returning, dying emigrant.

作为1860年来自英国的移民,她留在了澳大利亚,并且成了移民人口的发言人。An emigrant from England in 1860, she stayed in Australia and became the spokeswoman for the immigrant population.

我一直觉得,像这样的地方是不适宜人类居住的,可大规模的移民又是不现实的。I always think area like this is unsuited for human beings, but it is also unpractical to emigrant in a large scale.

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虽然如此,东晋南朝设立侨州郡县、实施侨置制度,起码在当时仍然是利大于弊。But the advantage of setting of emigrant state and county in the Eastern Jin Dynasty and the Southern Dynasty was bigger than shortcoming.

但有些移民迁入地,由于不注意生态环境的保护,已潜伏着生态危机。In some resettled areas, however, the emigrant don't pay their attention to ecological environment conservation, so it has been a latent issue.

他欢迎每个从俄国逃难来的移民,给他们提供任何他们所需要的。He used to welcome every emigrant coming from Russia, offering them whatever they needed in the way of food and shelter and asking nothing in return.

近代以来的移民开垦和蒙汉杂居局面的形成,使得内蒙古地区蒙古人传统生活习俗发生了诸多变化。While Modern emigrant reclaimed and Mongolian and Chinese lived together, the traditional living habitude of Mongolian has made many changes in Inner Mongolia.

他的诗更以其反僵化的突围意识、“边缘”的移民史观和创作主体性、对“诗的故乡”的呵护等,呈现出南洋新生代的创作追求。His poems show a pursue of new generation of Southern Asia with breakout consciousness, emigrant history view, creating go-aheadism, cherishing the poems, and etc.

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运用马克思主义关于阶级分析的方法原理,对农民工的工人阶级属性进行定性分析。这是文章的理论基础,同时也是本文的重点所在。The first one defines the class nature of emigrant workers under the guidance of basic principles of Marxism class analysis, which is the theoretical basis and focus of this article.

摩门教移民径及银叉路提供了一个偏北迷航通过内华达山脉的阴影下塔霍湖,我们将乘上雪厂路向大山防火了望在六千五英尺。Mormon Emigrant Trail & Silver Fork Rd offer up a northerly trek through the SIerra Nevada in the shadow of Lake Tahoe, we'll ride Ice House Rd on up to the Big Hill Fire Lookout at 6500 feet.

文章从施工进展、移民安置、招标工作、施工管理等方面介绍了为把尼尔基水利枢纽建设成一流工程,在施工中进行的科学管理。The paper introduces the scientific management in constructing in order to construct first-class project from construction progress, emigrant placement, project bids and construction management.