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你是说我太矮了?You beggarly I'm too fleeting, ?

中国朋友的话是什么意思?What did the Chinese friend beggarly?

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甚至更多的是在赤贫线上挣扎。Even more be struggle on beggarly line.

欧元对消费者意味着什么?What will the euro beggarly for customers?

比利菲大师调用汤姆一乞丐杂种。Master Blifil called Tom a beggarly bastard.

我们只得到区区十美元的报酬而已…We can only get a beggarly payment of ten dollars.

你的意思是其它木材运输公司吗?You beggarly the added companies alteration timber?

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他也变成了内奥米的小奴隶,有时候则是她的穷兄弟。He’d also become Naomi’s slave and part-time beggarly brother.

一开始我们只能给你区区二百英镑作为酬金。We can only offer you a beggarly two hundred pounds to start with.

我的意思是你吃的太多,而且活动得不够。I beggarly you eat too abundant, and you don't yield abundant exercise.

然而这种赤贫的状况只会让更多的英雄梦破灭。However this kind of beggarly state can make more heroic dreams undone only.

我觉得我们差不多受够了这个人的无谓的干扰。It'seems to me we have stood just about enough of this man's beggarly interference.

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保持冷静。那只是他谈话的惯常方法,他并非有意要触犯你。Keep your shirt on. He didn't beggarly to affront you. That's just the way he allocutions.

当我乞丐似的心,蹲闭在屋角的时候,我的国王,请你以王者的威仪破户而入。When my beggarly heart sits crouched, shut up in a corner, break open the door, my king, and come with the ceremony of a king.

这并不象征着你得同每个女生闲扯或调情,但请不要疏忽恐龙们的存在,更不要去鄙视她们。This doesn't beggarly that you charge to allocution to or flirt with anytimey girl, but don't avoid them or treat them abolishively.

现在你们既然认识神,更可说是被神所认识的,怎么还要归回那懦弱的小学?Now however that you've come to know God, or rather to be known by God, how can you turn back again to the weak and beggarly stoichea?

现在你们既然认识神,更可说是被神所认识的,怎吗还要归回那懦弱无用的小学,情愿再给他作奴仆呢。But now, after that ye have known God, or rather are known of God, how turn ye again to the weak and beggarly elements, whereunto ye desire again to be in bondage?