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夹角与残基组成来决定。Variation of helices based on dihedral angels and residue composition.

有别于内角的左侧,Brooke也曾在第六营上的岩面打过bolts。Brooke had also bolted the face variant to the left of the dihedral above Camp Six.

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最后,讨论了与二面体群相伴的李超代数的结构。Finally, structure of Lie superalgebra associated with dihedral group is discussed.

并且推导了局部两面角和坡口角数学模型。Meantime, the mathematical model of the groove angle and the local dihedral is also deduced.

当发光基团松弛,C15次甲基桥的两个二面角的扭曲是相反的。As the chromophore relaxes, the twist of the C15 methine bridge about its two dihedral angles is reversed.

利用PE链自身的扭转角分布和取向参数对PE链构象进行了分析。The structure of the PE chain was analyzed by the dihedral distributing function and the order parameters.

结合计算行波和二面角散射的经验公式,计算了导弹整体的RCS。Combined with the equation of traveling wave and dihedral reflector, the RCS of total missile was calculated.

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根据切割需要,给出了用参数方程表示的各相贯线上的点坐标、二面角、切割角以及切割轨迹线的表达式。By the needing of cutting, the expression of dihedral angle, cutting angle and points in cutting trail can be given.

讨论了通过求作二面角的棱来求二面角的大小问题。The problem is discussed, that seeks the size of the dihedral angle by seeking to do the edge of the dihedral angle.

两面角的测定在金属材料、冶金等领域具有广泛的意义。The determination of dihedral angle is of extensive significance in the fields of metal materials science and metallurgy.

其结构中包含许多二面角螺旋,而且具有旋光性的异构体,其结构的整体骨架也构成一个大的螺旋。There are many helixes of dihedral angle, and the whole skeleton forms a large helix in the structure of the rotatory isomer.

用本文的结果我们分别刻画了二面体群和广义双循环群上的凯莱图的2-可扩性。As applications, the 2-extendable Cayley graphs over dihedral groups and generalized dicyclic groups are classified, respectively.

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飞行器翼身接合部构成的二面角反射器是很强的电磁散射源。The dihedral corner reflector with wing and fuselage joint of aircraft is a very strong electromagnetic source in a wide angular range.

最后还对各种影响因素如衍射、二面角误差和面形误差等也进行了分析。Factors such as diffraction, dihedral error, surface precision, which can influence the fidelity of the retroreflector array, are discussed too.

本文以命题形式讨论无棱二面角的平面角大小的几种解法并加以证明和举例。In the form of propositions, this paper discusses several solution methods of the size of dihedral angles and proof and example are also offered.

他们将距离和二面角的约束效应运用在距离几何学和分子动力学的计算中使其对分子结构的测定更为精确。Distance and dihedral angle constraints are used in distance-geometry and molecular dynamics computations to calculate and refine these structures.

在分别考虑三种不同物质迁移机制作用下的双球模型中,通过引入二面角而完善的烧结模型可以精确计算烧结初期烧结颈的大小。The sintered neck can be calculated exactly in two-sphere model which was perfected by introducing the dihedral angle under three diffusion mechanisms.

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通过对此数学模型的求解,导出了相交双管相贯线上各点局部二面角的计算公式,给出了相交双管装配接触线的参数方程,并解释了其数学本质。By the solution of the model, a calculating formula of the local dihedral angel of intersecting line and a parametric equation of contacting line are given.

在这期间,Brooke专心致力在他不同于左边的岩面,因为他觉得在岩角投资精神及时间是完全没希望的。Meanwhile, Brooke focused his efforts on his own face variant to the left since he figured that the dihedral would be a hopeless investment of his time and energy.

在三角形网格预处理部分,利用两相邻三角形的法向夹角来检测曲面上的棱和角点,同时利用面积标准来简化三角形网格。A preprocessing procedure, which is for detecting creases and corners through two adjacent triangles' dihedral angles and simplifying triangular mesh, is described.