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小母牛在牛栏里吼叫。A heifer bellowed in her stall.

小母牛看到公牛套着工具辛苦的犁地。HEIFER saw an Ox hard at work harnessed to a plow.

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那女神就把这头小母牛交给阿尔戈斯严加看管。The goddess delivered the heifer to Argus, to be strictly watched.

叹息啊---,啊,格兰提亚,你同时比那为驯化的牛犊更狂奔。Yet. O Gelatea, you are at the same time wilder than an unbroken heifer.

耶和华说,你可以牵一只母牛犊去,说,我来是要向耶和华献祭。And Jehovah said, Take a heifer with you, and say, I have come to sacrifice to Jehovah.

获奖者是施世面包组织总裁戴维·贝克曼和海菲国际公司的乔·勒克。The winners are David Beckmann of Bread for the World and Jo Luck of Heifer International.

宙斯为了要救伊娥免遭赫拉的陷害,就把她变为一只白母牛。Zeus, in order to save Io from the jealous anger of Hera , changed her into a white heifer.

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阿查亚的机构跟「国际小母牛」和「海伦?凯勒国际基金会」一样,带来的改变都能影响人的一生。Like Heifer International and HKI, Acharya 's group is making changes that will last a lifetime.

赫拉怀疑这只白母牛就是伊娥,就命令长着一百只眼睛的阿刚斯看守她。Hera, suspecting that the white heifer was really Io, set Argus with his hundred eyes to watch her.

这只小母牛在“探究”洗衣机的圆桶时不幸地把头卡在了里面。The unlucky heifer was exploring the drum of a fly-tipped washing machine when its head became trapped.

看哪城离被杀的人最近,那城的长老就要从牛群中取一只未曾耕地,未曾负轭的母牛犊Then the elders of the town nearest the body shall take a heifer that has never been worked and has never worn a yoke

必有一个洁净的人收起母牛的灰,存在营外洁净的地方,为以色列会众调作除污秽的水。A man who is clean shall gather up the ashes of the heifer and put them in a ceremonially clean place outside the camp.

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祭司要把香柏木,牛膝草,朱红色线都丢在烧牛的火中。And the priest shall take cedar wood, and hyssop, and scarlet, and cast it into the midst of the burning of the heifer.

那城的众长老,就是离被杀的人最近的,要在那山谷中,在所打折颈项的母牛犊以上洗手Then all the elders of the town nearest the body shall wash their hands over the heifer whose neck was broken in the valley

那城的众长老,就是离被杀的人最近的,要在那山谷中,在所打折颈项的母牛犊以上洗手。Then all the elders of the town nearest the body shall wash their hands over the heifer whose neck was broken in the valley.

若山羊和公牛的血,并母牛犊的灰洒在不洁的人身上,尚且叫人成圣,身体洁净。For if the blood of bulls and of goats, and the ashes of an heifer sprinkling the unclean, sanctifieth to the purifying of the flesh

我曾见到过容纳了25万头用于产奶的奶牛以及大约50万到75万头小奶牛的农场。I have seen a dairy farm with more than 250, 000 cows in the production herd, and something like 50, 000-75, 000 in the heifer herd.

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那离被杀者最近城市的长老,都应用溪水在被砍断颈项的母牛犊身上洗手。And the ancients of that city shall come to the person slain, and shall wash their hands over the heifer that was killed in the valley.

小母牛看见公牛被套在犁上辛苦地耕作,就说他命苦,被人强迫劳动。她用这种非难的话来折磨公牛。A heifer saw an Ox hard at work harnessed to a plow, and tormented him with reflections on his unhappy fate in being compelled to labor.

那城的众长老,就是离被杀的人最近的,要在那山谷中,在所打折颈项的母牛犊以上洗手。And all the elders of that city, that are next unto the slain man, shall wash their hands over the heifer that is beheaded in the valley.