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易脆的岸散残迹。You friable shore with trails of debris.

疏松,易碎的土壤,富含腐殖质并适宜种植。Loose, friable soil, rich in humus and fit for planting.

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不过现在不行了,现在肌肉变得松散,不成形了。But now it is not. My muscle became friable and out of shape.

黄疸和搔痒可能要到病程的相当晚期﹐有节段性胆管梗阻时才出现。They may also appear as a spongy friable mass in the lumen of the bile duct.

该系列输送机最适用于处理易碎物质的粉末状和粒状物质。It is best suited for powdered, granular or pellet abrasive materials that are friable.

血管缝合结扎和抗生素治疗并不足够,因为她的患部组织脆弱及充满脓液。Suture ligation and antibiotics were not adequate due to her friable and pus-flooded tissue.

在材质上应该选择实木、布艺、塑料,摒弃易碎的玻璃家具和坚硬的金属家具。Should be chosen in wood materials, fabric, plastic, glass furniture and discard friable hard metal furniture.

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另一名35岁女性病患,在前胸有一个脆弱且易流血的结节,并在其周围有红斑。A 35-year-old woman presented with a friable nodule that bled easily and had peripheral erythema on the upper chest wall.

普通居民将自己暴露于未经加工的易碎的高浓度的石棉中,他们并不在乎。Ordinary residents are exposing themselves to levels of raw, friable asbestos, at incredibly high levels, and they don't care.

为了解决某些易碎颗粒物料的烘干问题,设计了穿流转笼式烘干机。The way to design the rotation cage type drier of penetrating hot air to dry some friable grainy material was discussed in this paper.

该病人有严重的溃疡形成,易碎的粥样斑块,同时也做了会增加血栓形成危险的血管造影术。This patient had severe ulcerative, friable atheromatous plaques and had undergone angiography, which increases the risk for such emboli.

如果女人处心积虑为男人付出的努力却得不到一句肯定的答复,她的心会变成易碎的玻璃,一碰即碎。If women and schemed to pay for the efforts of men do not get a positive response, her heart would become friable glass, Yipeng is broken.

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假如女人处心积虑为男人付出旳努力却得不到─句绝对旳答复,她旳心会变成易碎旳玻璃,─碰即碎。If women and schemed to pay for the efforts of men do not get a positive response , her heart would become friable glass , Yipeng is broken.

然而,一旦遭到破坏或粉碎,石棉纤维能够被吸收而可能导致这样或那样的健康问题。However, as soon as it becomes damaged or friable , the fibers are able to be ingested, thus potentially leading to these or other health problems.

叶片可能断裂,但整体快速最初生命是短暂的,因为太易碎或钻石刀受到过度冲击。The blade may cut fast initially but overall life is short because the diamonds are too friable or the blade has been subjected to excessive pounding.

本机主要用于粗碎、中碎各种硬度的煤、焦炭及其它低硬度的脆性物料。This crusher is designed to be used for the coarse and medium reduction of various kinds coal and coke as well as other friable materials of low hardness.

过冷奥氏体高速冷却,几乎全部形成脆硬的马氏体薄层,造成踏面剥离。The supercooled austenite transforms into friable martensite layer during the following rapid cooling process, leading to cracking and spalling at wheel tread.

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明确指出,森林资源是森林生态效益的载体,二者之间是一种松散的相关关系,即第二类的相关关系。It definitely pointed out that the forest resources was the carrier of forest ecological benefits, and they had the friable relationships which was called the second relation.

高铬铸铁具有良好的耐磨性,但它是一种脆性材料,薄壁的高铬铸铁还有巨大的开裂倾向,铸造难度较高。High chromium possesses good abrasion resistance, but it is a kind of friable materials. Thin-walled high chromium cast iron pipes also have a tendency to crack, so it is difficult to cast.

宫颈常因脆弱组织外翻而出血,可以用大棉签压迫几分钟止血或用硝酸银棒烧灼止血。The cervix often bleeds from an ectropion of friable tissue. Hemostasis can be accomplished by applying pressure for several minutes with a large swab or by cautery with a silver nitrate stick.