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“是啊,”她心不在焉地赞同说。"Yes, " she assented absently.

她仍心不在焉地望着大海。She continued to look absently at the sea.

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一只非洲野绵羊心不在焉地扒着泥土,咀嚼着。An aoudad absently pawing the mud and chewing.

她心不在焉地召唤她的孩子。She calls out to her children almost absently.

我弟弟一直心不在焉的读书。My brother continued to read the book absently.

“我们都要输了,”克鲁利心不在焉地答复着。"We're all going to lose," said Crowley absently.

“我们都要输了,”克鲁利心不在焉地答复着。"We're all going to lose, " said Crowley absently.

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当它们停在她手臂上时,她便心不在焉地拍打它们。She swatted at them absently when they landed on her arms.

领事点点头,他心不在焉的将苏格兰威士忌举至嘴边。The Consul nodded and absently raised the Scotch to his lips.

“今天晚上,我们得坐马车了。”嘉莉心不在焉地回答。"We'll have to take a coach to-night, " answered Carrie, absently.

她读得出神,每次翻页就不自觉地舔一下食指。Absorbed, she licked her index finger absently each time she turned a page.

她收起阳伞,坐在那儿,心不在焉地在沙砾上画着图案。She had furled her parasol and sat absently drawing patterns on the gravel.

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十多台挖土机,笨拙地刨着泥土,仿佛心不在焉地寻找丢失的东西。A dozen excavators pawed ponderously at the soil as if absently searching for something lost.

“那我做错了什么?”她问道,下意识的将一头正向她靠近的山羊推开。"Then what did I do wrong?" she asked, absently pushing one of my goats aside as it approached her.

杜宾斯先生把手伸进抽屉随便地摸了一会就拿出书,身体往椅子一靠看起来。Dobbins fingered his book absently for a while, then took it out and settled himself in his chair to read!

她在移动时用右手持剑,双眼则茫然地观察着通道墙壁上蔓延着的巴洛克式雕刻。She held her sword in her right hand as she moved, and her eyes absently noted the baroque carvings that lined the tunnel wall.

杜无双愤愤地问道,今夜她必须说个明白,他的洞房,岂能就这么糊里糊涂的睡没了?。The Du is matchless to angrily query a course, tonight she has to say is understand, his nuptial chamber, how could so absently sleep have no?

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她努力微笑着,竭力保持着尊严,返身回屋,心不在焉的在她干净洁白的围裙上擦着手上的红油漆。Then, with as much dignity as she could muster, she turned and walked back into her house, absently wiping red paint on her clean, white apron.

他虚弱的灵魂明白这只是另一个梦境,另一场噩梦,而他已然麻木地怀疑这次的梦将依旧和过去那千千万万的梦境一模一样。In his waking mind he knew that this was yet another dream, another nightmare, and he wondered absently if this one would be the same as all the others.

他心不在焉地听着打字机店的一封催款的长信,心里忙着考虑找工作的种种办法,却突然一震,清醒过来。He listened absently to a long dun from the type-writer people, his mind busy with ways and means of finding a job. Suddenly he was shocked back to himself.