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虎像猫。Tigers resemble cats.

但我们的世界并不像游戏。But our world doesn’t resemble games.

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你简直像只笨鸟!You resemble only stupid bird simply!

像不像一尊巨大的睡佛呀?Does it resemble a giant sleeping Buddha?

就像指挥潍柴动力。Resemble commanding Wei bavin motive force.

以下问题类似于一个样本集。The following questions resemble a sample set.

他的指甲象白色的琴键一样。His nails resemble the ivory keys of the spinet.

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在成蛹阶段,它们像被打折了的嫩枝。In their pupa stage, they resemble broken twigs.

你的视图现在应当类似图28所示。Your view should now resemble that in Figure 28.

但是他们的经历却诡异地彼此相似。But their experiences eerily resemble each other.

绝不像攀缘的凌霄花。I will never resemble clambering trumpet creeper.

绝不像攀援的凌霄花。I will never resemble scrambling trumpet creepers.

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去测那些长得像箭一样的蝇子的速度。Measure the speed of flies that resemble an arrow.

关闭率应与解决率相似。The closed rate should resemble the resolved rate.

群星没有怕隐得象萤水那样。The stars arenwoult anxious to resemble fireflies.

这些典型分泌物和生蛋白很像。These secretions typically resemble raw egg whites.

玉片有点像闪耀的鱼鳞。The jade slips somewhat resemble shining fish scales.

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自动分割机适用于豆沙、豆馅及类似性质之连续分割。Idoneous to divide in bean paste and resemble divided.

而班迪特与杀手机器人并无丝毫相像。And Bandit does not resemble a killer in the slightest.

它们的声音据说与啄木鸟的类似。Their voices are said to resemble those of woodpeckers.